Shalom Everyone;
I remember one of the first things I did in preparation for my immersion in January 2010, was to research, and select a fitting Hebrew name for myself. In Hebrew culture our names had meaning; and was reflective of our, or our parents, our environment, or our cultural relationship with our Mighty One, Yah. It was never 'made up,' or phonetically spelled, for even the letters of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet had meaning/significance and foretold the coming and mission of haMaschiach, Yahoshua. Nick names were unheard of. A name given to a being was a solemn matter. I prayed much for guidance. I wanted my name to reflect not only who I was, but also, who I aspired to become. More importantly, I wanted my name to testify of my relationship with Yah, my walk, and hopefully, my growth in the Torah. One day I came across MattithYah 5:14-16, which says: 'You are the light of the world. It is impossible for a city to be hidden on a mountain. "Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it shines to all those in the house. "Let your light so shine before men, so that they see your good works and praise your Father who is in the heavens..." The verses resonated within me. I researched the Hebrew word for 'Light', and found the feminine name 'Neorah.' It is pronounced as you would 'neighbor.' I added the Father's Name to it, and thus it became, NeorahYah. NeorahYah means 'Light unto Yah,' or 'Fire unto Yah.' I pray that I always shall be. Now what really blew my mind, was the eventual realization that in Yah's Book Of Life, the name NeorahYah was already recorded for me, before the Foundation Of The World. HalleluYah! Yah Bless! ~NeorahYah Ysrayl~
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