The Significance Of the Shofar
By NeorahYah Germaine Yisra'el
The shofar was blown by the heavenly hosts to announce the presence of Yah on Mount Ciynai. The shofar is described as the Voice of Yah. The sound of the shofar brought down the walls of Yericho. Shofars were blown when King Dawid brought the Ark of the Covenant into Yahrushalom.
For military purposes it was used to alert the people, signal the army, and was carried by scouts to warn of approaching danger.
It was used to announce both victory and rebellion. It was blown for coronations, and it was blown in worship before Yah, and for the keeping
of His Moedim, and on His New Moons, which are Set-Apart also. Aside from the 1st Day of the 6th Month ( which is a New Moon),
the next 'Commanded' blowing of the shofar is to occur on the 1st Day of the 7th Month. That day is Yom Teruah.
Here is the Torah for this day:
"And Yahuah spoke unto Mosheh, saying, Speak unto the children of Yisra'el, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month,
you shall have a Shabbat, a memorial of blowing of shofars, a Set-Apart assembly. you shall do no servile work therein: but you shall offer
an offering made by fire unto Yahuah.' ~Leviticus 23:23-25~
Side Bar for the Gregorian Calendar proponents:
In the above scripture, the seventh month IS NOT referring to the month of July. Yah could care less about Julius Caesar, after whom
the month was named, and who was born thousands of years AFTER Yah spoke these words to Mosheh. Please allow common sense to prevail.
There are those who will say: 'What's the point? We do not keep the feasts, and we do not offer sacrifices.'
No we do not; however, that does not excuse us from knowing the significance of Yah's Moedim, and doing what we can. That could simply mean that
we keep the days of the Appointed Times, Set-Apart As Yah Commanded. We do no servile work on these days. That is something we can do; the very least that we can do, if we desire to be obedient.
The definition of Teruah:
One of the calls composed of a series of staccato blasts, followed by a longer high note, and blown on the shofar as prescribed in the
Hebrew ritual on certain festivals and at certain ceremonies. ~Merriam-Webster~
The beauty and significance of the 1st Day of the 7th Month, aka, Yom Teruah, is this: The biblical/Hebrew meaning of Yom Teruah is,
'The Day Of The Awakening Blast.' This has prophetic import.
~1 Corinth 15:35 & 51-53, 1 Thessa 4:16, Isaiah 26:19, Dan 12:2, John 5:25-29~
All of the Moedim are a testimony of Yahoshua. The Spring Appointed Times testify of His sacrifice and His resurrection as the First Fruits of
the Resurrected; while the fall Appointed Times are foreshadowings of His Second Coming, and our resurrection and redemption. Yom Teruah is a day Set-Apart unto Yah since the Creation. No one knows the date of Yahoshua, HaMashiach's return; but like the fig tree, we can read the signs; and because Yah does not change, fulfilling His word down through the ages, we can say with scriptural confidence: Yahoshua's Second Coming, and the Resurrection of the Dead, will occur on the Day Of The Awakening Blast, with the last Teruah of the Shofar.
Yisra'el, strive to keep the First Day of the Seventh Month, Yom Teruah, Set-Apart, as we already do with Yahuah's correct Shabbats.
These ordinances are grounded in the foundation of Yah's Heavenly Calendar, learning to 'count the days,' according to His guidelines.
...and yes, this is important for our salvation.
May Yah Bless the hearers and DOERS of His word.
~NeorahYah Germaine Yisra'el~
Go to: Yom Kippuriym
The shofar was blown by the heavenly hosts to announce the presence of Yah on Mount Ciynai. The shofar is described as the Voice of Yah. The sound of the shofar brought down the walls of Yericho. Shofars were blown when King Dawid brought the Ark of the Covenant into Yahrushalom.
For military purposes it was used to alert the people, signal the army, and was carried by scouts to warn of approaching danger.
It was used to announce both victory and rebellion. It was blown for coronations, and it was blown in worship before Yah, and for the keeping
of His Moedim, and on His New Moons, which are Set-Apart also. Aside from the 1st Day of the 6th Month ( which is a New Moon),
the next 'Commanded' blowing of the shofar is to occur on the 1st Day of the 7th Month. That day is Yom Teruah.
Here is the Torah for this day:
"And Yahuah spoke unto Mosheh, saying, Speak unto the children of Yisra'el, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month,
you shall have a Shabbat, a memorial of blowing of shofars, a Set-Apart assembly. you shall do no servile work therein: but you shall offer
an offering made by fire unto Yahuah.' ~Leviticus 23:23-25~
Side Bar for the Gregorian Calendar proponents:
In the above scripture, the seventh month IS NOT referring to the month of July. Yah could care less about Julius Caesar, after whom
the month was named, and who was born thousands of years AFTER Yah spoke these words to Mosheh. Please allow common sense to prevail.
There are those who will say: 'What's the point? We do not keep the feasts, and we do not offer sacrifices.'
No we do not; however, that does not excuse us from knowing the significance of Yah's Moedim, and doing what we can. That could simply mean that
we keep the days of the Appointed Times, Set-Apart As Yah Commanded. We do no servile work on these days. That is something we can do; the very least that we can do, if we desire to be obedient.
The definition of Teruah:
One of the calls composed of a series of staccato blasts, followed by a longer high note, and blown on the shofar as prescribed in the
Hebrew ritual on certain festivals and at certain ceremonies. ~Merriam-Webster~
The beauty and significance of the 1st Day of the 7th Month, aka, Yom Teruah, is this: The biblical/Hebrew meaning of Yom Teruah is,
'The Day Of The Awakening Blast.' This has prophetic import.
~1 Corinth 15:35 & 51-53, 1 Thessa 4:16, Isaiah 26:19, Dan 12:2, John 5:25-29~
All of the Moedim are a testimony of Yahoshua. The Spring Appointed Times testify of His sacrifice and His resurrection as the First Fruits of
the Resurrected; while the fall Appointed Times are foreshadowings of His Second Coming, and our resurrection and redemption. Yom Teruah is a day Set-Apart unto Yah since the Creation. No one knows the date of Yahoshua, HaMashiach's return; but like the fig tree, we can read the signs; and because Yah does not change, fulfilling His word down through the ages, we can say with scriptural confidence: Yahoshua's Second Coming, and the Resurrection of the Dead, will occur on the Day Of The Awakening Blast, with the last Teruah of the Shofar.
Yisra'el, strive to keep the First Day of the Seventh Month, Yom Teruah, Set-Apart, as we already do with Yahuah's correct Shabbats.
These ordinances are grounded in the foundation of Yah's Heavenly Calendar, learning to 'count the days,' according to His guidelines.
...and yes, this is important for our salvation.
May Yah Bless the hearers and DOERS of His word.
~NeorahYah Germaine Yisra'el~
Go to: Yom Kippuriym