As I've stated previously, it is not my intent to contribute to the topic of whether it is appropriate for Hebrews to keep the feast days in the land of our oppressors. Rather, I have been led to share the news of how Yahoshua, HaMashiach is manifested in the feasts, and the perpetual beauty of Yahuah's time clock. The Appointed- Times of Yahuah are highlighted throughout His heavenly calendar, by way of a simultaneous Weekly and Monthly count. Mosheh's time on Mount Ciynai is a perfect example of the interconnectedness of Yahuah's time clock with his Mo'edim, and His expectations of mankind.
Yahuah's Calendar/Time Clock is steadfast and does not change; and to illustrate that, we will look at the events surrounding the giving of the Torah, Commandments and warnings to Mosheh, thousands of years ago.
The YFOL calendars below have been calculated for the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Hebrew Months, and correspond to June, July, and August of 2019. The Gregorian dates for these months are for reference only, so I have not included the daily Gregorian dates. The calendars are provided as a tool for you to 'see' the timing of the events spoken of in the Bible. They are a scriptural illustration of the Weekly, Monthly, and Shabbatical Counts. For more scriptural evidence, and as a cross-reference, please read Shavu'ot, The Hidden Truth
Mosheh On Mount Ciynai
By NeorahYah Germaine Yisra'el
The timing of events regarding the giving of the Torah to Yisra'el, according to Yahuah's time clock.
- The children of Yisra'el entered the wilderness of Ciynai in the 3rd Month, on the 15th Day of the Monthly Count; the same day of the Monthly Count that they came out of Egypt. ~Exodus 19:1~
- On the 16th Day of the Monthly Count, Mosheh went up Mount Ciynai to Yahuah and received the announcement of Yahuah's plans for Yisra'el. ~Exodus19:1-6~ Yahuah revealed how He would appear to the people. ~Exodus 19:9~
- Mosheh came down from Mount Ciynai and relayed the word of Yahuah to the elders and the people; and Yisra'el agreed to do 'all that Yahuah has spoken.' ~Exodus 19:7-8~ The people bathed and were sanctified by Mosheh. This was Day #1 of the Cloud Covering.
- On the 17th Day the people bathed and the remaining were sanctified by Mosheh. And then they waited until the 3rd Day of the Weekly Count. ~Exodus 19: 10-15~ This was Day #2 of the Cloud Covering.
- On the 3rd Day of the Weekly Count, there was smoke and fire, thunder and lightning, quaking, and the sound of the shofar, exceedingly loud. Yahuah descended on Mount Ciynai. This was Day #3 of the Cloud Covering. Yahuah called Mosheh up to Mount Ciynai and charged him to warn the people not to come near or touch His mountain. ~Exodus 19: 16-25~
- Over the next 3 days, the people received instructions regarding the Commandments, and were warned of the judgements should they fail to obey. ~Exodus Chapters 21-23~
- The Cloud Covering remained on Mount Ciynai for a total of 6 Days. During which time, the contract between Yahuah and the people was sealed by blood. ~Exodus 24:8~ .
- On the 7th Day, Yahuah called Mosheh from out of the midst of the cloud; and the Shekhinah of Yahuah was like fire on top of Mount Ciynai in the eyes of the people. ~Exodus 24: 15-17, Jubilees 1:3-5~
- And Mosheh went into the midst of the cloud on Day #7 of the Cloud Covering; in the 3rd Month, on the 7th day of the Weekly Count - a Shabbat; on the 22nd Day of the Monthly Count. And remained with Yahuah 40 days and 40 nights. ~Exodus 24:18~
To Review
- There is a simultaneous Weekly and Monthly Count.
- The Weekly Count is the count towards the Shabbat.
- The Monthly Count is the count towards the Full Moon.
- The Full Moon completes the month in 29, or 30 Days. Always.
- New Moon Day immediately follows the Full Moon, and will also appear Full. Always. The Weekly Count is 'held' on this day, however you do include the Monthly Count on New Moon Day.
- The Dark Moon occurs in the Middle of the lunar cycle 14 to 15 days after the Full Moon.
- A Shabbatical Count is a count of multiple Shabbats only (by 7), when instructed to do so in scripture; e.g. when counting the omer.
Now that you have the calendars in front of you, simply 'count the days,' and hopefully gain a heart of wisdom.
- Begin on the 22nd day of the Monthly Count of the 3rd Month.
- Now count forward 40 Days. You will inevitably arrive at Day #40 occurring in the 5th Month, on the 1st Day of the Weekly Count; the 2nd Day of the Monthly Count.
- That date, Dear Yisra'el, is the correct day for the Feast of Shavu'ot. In the 5th Month, not the 3rd Month; and it will be so until the end of time.
Just for fun
- Starting in the 3rd Month, do a Shabbatical Count.
- Begin on the day Yisra'el entered the wilderness of Ciynai, and count forward 7 Shabbathot only.
- Remember the rule for the Monthly Count on New Moon Day.
- What is the next day? Congratulations! You have successfully learned to 'Count The Days,' utilizing the Weekly and Monthly Counts. But why did I say 'weekly' when it appears we only did a Monthly and Shabbatical count in the above 3 instruction?
So How do we know Shavu'ot occurs in the 5th Month: W/M = 1/2 ?
We can verify by cross-referencing the Scriptural Witness found in Leviticus 23: 15 and 16. For this, consult the calendars for Abib through Month 5. It is a two-parter.
- 'And you shall count unto you from the morrow after the Shabbat, from the day you brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven Shabbathot shall be complete.' (emphasis mine).
This is a Shabbatical Count of 7;
- Verse 15: 7x7 = 49
- Verse 16: 7x7 = 49 +1 =50 Days.
On that day, approximately 6000 years ago, Mosheh was making his way back down Mount Ciynai, when he heard singing and revelry in the camp.
The people had risen up early that morning, in order to play and bring offerings before the Golden Calf Aharon had fashioned the night before.
~Exodus 32:1-5~ Instead of worshipping and praising Yahuah for what he'd brought them through 2 months earlier; they chose instead to profane His Set-Apart Day, the 50th Day after the 7th Shabbathot; or if you prefer, the end of Mosheh's 40 Day fellowship with Yahuah.
Perhaps we should just use common sense.
If the Scriptures testify that Yisra'el entered the wilderness of Ciynai and camped on the 15th day of the 3rd month, (hint: a Shabbat), exactly on the day of the month that Yahuah brought them out of Egypt, the 3rd month was already half completed. If Mosheh entered the cloud on the 22nd day of the 3rd month (hint: another Shabbat), and tarried with Yahuah 40 days and 40 nights on Mt. Ciynai - What month was it when He came down the mountain with the tablets? Was it the 3rd month still? (Well, maybe if there was a warp in the space-time continuum - Ummm NO!)
Yes, we have been misled, but we do not have to remain misled and confused. It is not my intention to be harsh, but at this point there seems to be a willful choice among the people to cleave to the lie and remain in ignorance.
Throughout His interactions with Yisra'el, through Mosheh and others, Yahuah has demonstrated His Count and acted within His Weekly, Monthly, and Shabbatical time frame. From the time Yisra'el entered the wilderness of Ciynai, until the time He sent Mosheh down the mountain on the Feast of Shavu'ot, is exactly 7 Shabbathot. This verifies the date of the Wave Sheaf, clarifies the understanding of how to count the omer, establishes the correct timing of Shavu'ot, and it even bears witness today on a 2019 calendar-as evidenced above. Yahuah is the Ancient of Days, and He does not change. Every aspect of our existence on this plane, our day-to-day lives, our blessings, judgements, captivities and our salvation is dependent upon Him. His time clock is the thread that binds it all together. Whether we choose to govern our lives by Yahuah's Calendar or not; His Salvation will return according to Yahuah's Calendar - on Yom Teruah, the Day Of The Awakening Blast.
Shavu'ot represents the giving of the law to Mosheh on Mount Ciynai. Yahuah has forever associated mankind's receipt of His Torah, and Commandments with the 5th Month of the Hebrew year. We should honor that always.
May Yahuah Bless the Hearers and Doers of His Word.
NeorahYah Yisra'el