The 50th Year Jubilee, Part Two
By NeorahYah Germaine Yisra'el
In the previous article, 'The 50th Year Jubilee, Part One,' I explained how to number/count a jubilee, and provided examples from scripture
of references to the jubilees; and how Yahuah uses the Jubilee to record in heaven, the events and occurrences of individual Yisraelites, and Yisra'el as a nation. The numbering of the Jubilee, or the documentation of Yisra'el's history on the heavenly tablets, is on-going from the Creation, to the present day, and I believe, will continue ad infinitum.
In the beginning of 'The Cepher of Yovheliym, also called Jubilees,' the foreword has this to say:
'This is the history of the division of the days of the Torah and of the testimony, of the events of the years, of their (year) weeks,
of their Jubilees throughout all the years of the world, as Yahuah spoke to Mosheh on Mount Ciynai when he went up to receive
the sapphires of the Torah and the commandment, according to the voice of Elohiym, as he said unto him, Go up to the top of the
Mount.' ~Jubilees ~
In Part One, the rules of how to 'count the days' were reviewed, along with an essential understanding of the concepts of biblical time, e.g., a 'day,' a 'week,'
a 'week of years,' a jubilee; and examples of calculations of jubilees were shown. However, towards the end, a big question still remained unanswered:
'What Jubilee Is It Now?'
If you will recall, I stated I did not have an understanding on what jubilee we are in now at that time. Today, August 15th, 2018, Gregorian, I can now say I have a clear understanding to share with you, the reader; regarding the jubilee we are in; and how that relates to prophesied End-Time events.
Can I pinpoint exactly the date of the return of HaMashiach? No! Of course not; nor would I want to, nor can anyone, for the scriptures say:
'But of that day and hour know no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.' ~Matthew 24:36~
However, I can explain the signs we are given in scripture regarding the end-times; specifically, how close is Yisra'el to being Re-Gathered,
and the subsequent return of Yahoshua, HaMashiach. An understanding of the time of our redemption would serve to uplift our spirits, bolster our faith, and give us hope that our oppression is almost at an end.
A Review Of The Biblical Concepts Of Time
of references to the jubilees; and how Yahuah uses the Jubilee to record in heaven, the events and occurrences of individual Yisraelites, and Yisra'el as a nation. The numbering of the Jubilee, or the documentation of Yisra'el's history on the heavenly tablets, is on-going from the Creation, to the present day, and I believe, will continue ad infinitum.
In the beginning of 'The Cepher of Yovheliym, also called Jubilees,' the foreword has this to say:
'This is the history of the division of the days of the Torah and of the testimony, of the events of the years, of their (year) weeks,
of their Jubilees throughout all the years of the world, as Yahuah spoke to Mosheh on Mount Ciynai when he went up to receive
the sapphires of the Torah and the commandment, according to the voice of Elohiym, as he said unto him, Go up to the top of the
Mount.' ~Jubilees ~
In Part One, the rules of how to 'count the days' were reviewed, along with an essential understanding of the concepts of biblical time, e.g., a 'day,' a 'week,'
a 'week of years,' a jubilee; and examples of calculations of jubilees were shown. However, towards the end, a big question still remained unanswered:
'What Jubilee Is It Now?'
If you will recall, I stated I did not have an understanding on what jubilee we are in now at that time. Today, August 15th, 2018, Gregorian, I can now say I have a clear understanding to share with you, the reader; regarding the jubilee we are in; and how that relates to prophesied End-Time events.
Can I pinpoint exactly the date of the return of HaMashiach? No! Of course not; nor would I want to, nor can anyone, for the scriptures say:
'But of that day and hour know no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.' ~Matthew 24:36~
However, I can explain the signs we are given in scripture regarding the end-times; specifically, how close is Yisra'el to being Re-Gathered,
and the subsequent return of Yahoshua, HaMashiach. An understanding of the time of our redemption would serve to uplift our spirits, bolster our faith, and give us hope that our oppression is almost at an end.
A Review Of The Biblical Concepts Of Time
Biblical Time
1/2 Hour = 50 years
1 Hour = 100 years (of an age, or 1000 years).
A 1/2 time = 6 months
A time = a year
times = 3 years
A Day = Sunset to sunset.
A Day = Sunrise to sunset = 12 hours. The Set-Apart time of the day, when the East Gate of the inner court of the Heavenly Temple is opened;
specifically on the Shabbat and on the true New Moons.
1 Day = 1 year
1 Day = 1000 years
6 Days = 6000 years, or the 6th Millennium.
7 Days = 7000 years, or the 7th Millennium.
8th Day = 8th Millennium, ad infinitum.
1 Week = 6 Days to work, + 1 Day of Shabbat Rest.
1 Week of Days = 7 days
1 Week of Years = 7 years
7 Weeks of Years = 49 years
The 50th Year = the Jubilee year.
1/2 Hour = 50 years
1 Hour = 100 years (of an age, or 1000 years).
A 1/2 time = 6 months
A time = a year
times = 3 years
A Day = Sunset to sunset.
A Day = Sunrise to sunset = 12 hours. The Set-Apart time of the day, when the East Gate of the inner court of the Heavenly Temple is opened;
specifically on the Shabbat and on the true New Moons.
1 Day = 1 year
1 Day = 1000 years
6 Days = 6000 years, or the 6th Millennium.
7 Days = 7000 years, or the 7th Millennium.
8th Day = 8th Millennium, ad infinitum.
1 Week = 6 Days to work, + 1 Day of Shabbat Rest.
1 Week of Days = 7 days
1 Week of Years = 7 years
7 Weeks of Years = 49 years
The 50th Year = the Jubilee year.
I've come to realize that another concept of time needs to be added to the above list. If we are to ascertain what jubilee we are in now, we need to understand the concept of a 'generation.'
What Is A Generation?
1. A generation = 40 years.
In the bible, a generation can relate to mankind: as in, the number of years the Yisraelites were cursed to remain in the wilderness.
'And Yahuah's anger was kindled against Yisra'el, and he made them wander in the wilderness forty years, until all the generation,
that had done evil in the sight of Yahuah, was consumed.' ~Numbers 32:13~
2. A generation = 100-200 years.
Relating to the ages of the people in the desert; Moses was 120 years old, Aharon was 123 , and Yahoshua, ben Nun, 1 of only 2 of that generation to enter the Promised Land; was 110 years old.
3. A generation = 1000 years
In relation to the earth and mankind's interactions on it; as with Noah, who was described in Genesis 6:9, as being a 'just man and perfect in his
generations, and Noah walked with Elohiym. ~Genesis 6:9~
Noah was the 8th from Adam, born during the first 1000 years after the Creation. He was the 8th in his generation; born in the 15th Jubilee.
Adam died in the 19th Jubilee at the age of 930 years; 70 years shy of 1000 years, or 1 Day; or 1 complete generation. By the time he was ordained to build the ark, Noah was the only one alive, found to be perfect in that generation.
So, we've seen that a generation can be: 40 years, 100-200 years, or 1000 years.
If you have not already done so, take a moment to read The 50th Year Jubilee, Part One.
What is a Jubilee?
A jubilee is a period of time consisting of 7 Weeks Of Years (WOY).
1. Each Week Of Years has 7 years within it.
2. Each of the 7 years has 12 months.
3. Each month has 29.5 to 30 days depending on the lunar cycle.
4. 7 Weeks Of Years = 49 years (7 Weeks Of Years x 7years = 49 years).
5. The following year, which is the 50th year, is the Jubilee.
It is the concept that a generation = 1000 years, that specifically relates to the jubilees.
In Genesis 15:13-16, Yahuah prophesies to Abraham saying:
13. 'And he said unto Avram, know of a surety that your seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they
shall afflict them four hundred years.
14. And also that nation, who they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.
15. And you shall go to your fathers in peace; you shall be buried in a good old age.
16 . But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Emoriym is not yet full.'
It is verse 16 that we shall consider.
If you consult most timelines, or research biblical chronology, you will discover that the number of years from Adam to Abraham is 2000 years.
By the time Yahuah prophesied to him, Abraham was 'on the scene;' making the 2000 year time period from Adam to Abraham complete. Therefore,
we know Yahuah was prophesying of events that would occur at a future time.
Continue along the timeline, and you will find that from Abraham to the 1st Coming of Yahoshua, HaMashiach, is 2000 years or, 2 generations.
Moving further along, the time span from Yahoshua, HaMashiach to the Re-Gathering of the Yisraelites, is 2000 years or, 2 generations.
Total: 4000 years or 4 generations; as prophesied!
However, we are not done. We must bring it on home, as they say.
Now add the 2000 years from Adam to Abraham, and that will total 6000 years, or 6 generations. Six thousand years from the Creation to the
Re-Gathering of Yahuah's Remnant. Why is that number significant?
It is significant because as we learned in The 50th Year Jubilee, Part One. , 6000 years = the 6th Millennium; which is the 6th 'Day;' which is the Preparation.
Preparation for the return of HaMashiach, and the Re-Gathering of Yahuah's true people from the four corners of the world!
(lol, Yahuah is perfect every which way).
Yisra'el, once you understand how this correlates to Genesis 15:16, you can then calculate the current jubilee, and discern the signs of the end-times.
To that end, let us proceed.
What Jubilee Is It Now?
A Jubilee is every 50th year, so borrowing from above, simply plug in the numbers:
2000 years ÷ 50 = 40 Jubilees
From Adam to Abraham, was 2000 years.
1. From Abraham to Yahoshua:_________2000 years, or 40 Jubilees
2. From Yahoshua to Re-Gathering:____2000 years, or 40 Jubilees
Total: 4000 years, or 80 Jubilees
Now add the years from Adam to Abraham:
2000 years, or 40 Jubilees
Grand Total: 6000 years
Remember, a 'generation' = 1000 years. So based on the above count: this is, and we are, the 4th Generation spoken of in Genesis 15:16!
40 Jubilees x3 = 120 Jubilees
120 Jubilees =6000 years
6000 years ÷ 50th year(jubilee) = 120 Jubilees
We are in the 120th Jubilee from Creation.
We are in the 6th 'Day'.
This is the Preparation Age before the 2nd Coming of Yahoshua, our Shabbat Rest.
Now all that remains is to utilize Yah's Heavenly Calendar, by which you are, hopefully, learning to Count The Days.
On the day I am writing this, it is August 16th, 2018, Gregorian, (which I am using as a reference only).
However, according to Yahuah's Calendar, it is the 5th Month; the 5th Day of the Weekly Count, and the 20th Day of the Monthly Count.
Therefore, it will be recorded in heaven in the book of my deeds, as such:
'In the fourth year of the third week, in the one hundred and twentieth jubilee, on the twentieth day of the fifth month:
NeorahYah understood, and wrote down the count, according to the Jubilees of Yahuah.'
Yisra'el, this is the message and confirmation of, along with scriptural evidence, for those of us who have the testimony of Yahuah and Yahoshua, HaMashiach: We are the 4th Generation prophesied of in Genesis 15:16
Yahoshua said in Matthew 24:34:
'Amein I say unto you, this generation shall by no means pass away until all this takes place.' (emphasis mine).
The above verse does not mean that the people of this generation shall not die. Rather it means that all things prophesied of shall come to pass
in the 4th generation from Abraham, to the Re-Gathering, and coming of HaMashiach.
Therefore, in anticipation of this event, we are instructed to:
'...learn the parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is nigh. So likewise you,
when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.' ~Matthew 24:32-33~
We are instructed to be ever vigilant:
'Watch therefore: for you know not what hour your Master is coming.' ~Matthew 24:42~
For the following reason:
'...of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.' ~Matthew 24:36~
Now that we know undoubtedly, that we are the 4th Generation of the prophecy, we are to have hope, faith, and uplifted spirits.
Luke 21:28 says:
'And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draws nigh!'
We are the 4th Generation, of the 120th Jubilee. We are Yahuah's Remnant.
Look forward to the day when we can say, as Isaiah said:
'Arise, shine, for your Light is come, and the glory of Yahuah is risen upon you.' ~Isaiah 60:1~
I say: 'Come Yahoshua.'
May Yahuah Remember, and Bless His People, Yisra'el.
Go to: The Harvests Of Yisra'el