It is the 11th Hebrew Month.
The 6th Day of the Weekly Count,
The 28th Day of the Monthly Count.
Preparation Day
The 6th Day of the Weekly Count,
The 28th Day of the Monthly Count.
Preparation Day
This website is dedicated to the restoration of Yahuah's calendar to the Hidden Ones on earth who are called by the name of Yisra'el. The purpose is to bring us out of the darkness of deception, into the light of The Creation, and Yahuah's Set-Apart Shabbats, and Appointed Times. In order to achieve this, we must learn to monitor time according to the methods established for our forefathers, and set out for us in scripture, from the very beginning of earthly time.
How do we do this? The answer is very simple. We look up!
Look up at the night sky. Yahuah established the moon and stars to be for signs, to tell us when His Shabbats and Mo'edim were to be kept. He placed lights in the firmament so that mankind could mark the days, weeks, months, and years.
He gave us Two Great Lights to accomplish this: the sun by day and the moon by night; and He established His Heavenly 'Count' with mankind at the Creation. He lovingly created this world for our benefit, our righteousness, our salvation; and as it is written; everything that 'came to be,' was good.
HaShatan would remove us from what is good, and replace it with what is essentially, 180 degrees, anti-Yah. He accomplished this by giving the world counterfeit calendars - namely, the most recent Gregorian calendar. In doing so, HaShatan ensured that as long as mankind adhered to these counterfeit methods of marking the passage of time, we would forever remain in rebellion, and perpetual disaccord with our Creator, Yahuah.
The 'Yah, Father Of Lights' website is an earnest, Ruach led desire to return Yisra'el to the Father's righteous time clock, and the accurate perception of time as described in the Scriptures.
Please note that I have placed all of the information on this website in a 'Line upon line; Precept upon Precept' format; that is to say, I have ordered them in the progression in which I learned. I've found that one thing certainly built upon another.
May the Ruach HaQodesh grant us Wisdom and Understanding.
~NeorahYah Germaine Yisra'el~
Join the 'Yah, Father Of Lights' group on Facebook.
How do we do this? The answer is very simple. We look up!
Look up at the night sky. Yahuah established the moon and stars to be for signs, to tell us when His Shabbats and Mo'edim were to be kept. He placed lights in the firmament so that mankind could mark the days, weeks, months, and years.
He gave us Two Great Lights to accomplish this: the sun by day and the moon by night; and He established His Heavenly 'Count' with mankind at the Creation. He lovingly created this world for our benefit, our righteousness, our salvation; and as it is written; everything that 'came to be,' was good.
HaShatan would remove us from what is good, and replace it with what is essentially, 180 degrees, anti-Yah. He accomplished this by giving the world counterfeit calendars - namely, the most recent Gregorian calendar. In doing so, HaShatan ensured that as long as mankind adhered to these counterfeit methods of marking the passage of time, we would forever remain in rebellion, and perpetual disaccord with our Creator, Yahuah.
The 'Yah, Father Of Lights' website is an earnest, Ruach led desire to return Yisra'el to the Father's righteous time clock, and the accurate perception of time as described in the Scriptures.
Please note that I have placed all of the information on this website in a 'Line upon line; Precept upon Precept' format; that is to say, I have ordered them in the progression in which I learned. I've found that one thing certainly built upon another.
May the Ruach HaQodesh grant us Wisdom and Understanding.
~NeorahYah Germaine Yisra'el~
Join the 'Yah, Father Of Lights' group on Facebook.