By NeorahYah Germaine Yisra'el
When discussing the phases of the Moon, I prefer to use the term 'Dark Moon' to differentiate it from the commonly used term of New Moon. For a certainty, it is not a 'new' moon, and I refuse to call it such. We have been confused, and misled long enough. It's time we begin to 'see' things as they truly are.
Every month, the moon cycles through a Dark Lunar phase, fifteen days after the appearance of a Full Moon. NASA states that the moon COMPLETES its cycle, and becomes Full every 29.5 to 30 days. Your eyes and basic math skills can verify this. Sometimes the devil speaks the truth.
If a Dark Moon occurs 15 days AFTER a Full Moon, making it occur in the MIDDLE of the lunar cycle; How can it be 'NEW?' How does it 'magically' become the Beginning of the month? How is it the 'New Moon,' if it's smack dab in the middle?
I suggest we call it what it truly is: 'Middle Moon', because it certainly is not 'New'; nor is it the Beginning of the lunar cycle, or anything else; especially a new month.
We have been misled, beguiled, deceived, hood-winked, bamboozled, and sho nuff, led astray.
Here is the meaning of the word
'NASA' in Hebrew according to Strong's (H5377) - to be deceived; to deceive, greatly deceived, beguiled, seize, utterly forget.
(H5378) - to give a loan, be a creditor, subject one to tribute;-exact, debt, taker of usury.
Yahuah has never lied. He has truly caused us to forget our heritage. We have 'utterly forgotten' the ordained order of Yah's luminaries that our ancestors observed and kept. Instead, we have been beguiled by HaShatan to accept his 180 degree 'alternate truth.' He has become the 'creditor' of our souls, and he engages in spiritual usury.
Every time we keep a Shabbat, or an Appointed time that has been regulated by the Dark Moon, or disavow the ordained purpose of the Full Moon altogether; or just count 1 through 7, over and over, week after week, repetitively; we pay tribute to HaShatan's deception - it is no different than eating food offered up to demons. And HaShatan demands a very high interest rate: It is the salvation of your souls. You are literally signing a contract with the devil. I pray Yisra'el comes to understand this.
Astrophysics is what it is. The moon does what it does, steadfastly, because Yah, Father of Lights, created it to be so, and Yah Does Not Change.
Consider this:
*Yahuah told Yisra'el that Abib was the Beginning of Months.
*10 days later He told them to Set-Apart a lamb.
*4 days later they kept the Pesach.
*He brought them out of Egypt at night on the 7th day of the Weekly Count, which was the 15th Day of the Monthly Count, or W/M = 7/15,
*And He provided a pillar of fire to go before them to guide them.
Why did Yahuah do this?
Well he did it for a very obvious reason; there was no light to lead the way. The Moon was in its Dark lunar phase, and dark moons DO NOT give forth light. They occur 15 days after a full Moon. That would mean 15 days earlier, when Yah instructed Mosheh that Abib was the Beginning of Months, there was a FULL MOON!
15+15=30. 1/2 of 30=15.
The 15th Day of the Monthly count is ALWAYS a dark lunar phase. It becomes easy once you understand this. Look up and verify!
Yah. Does. Not. Change.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be.
It is the Full Moon that is the Sign for the Beginning of Months, and the dark moon will follow 15 days later, in the Middle of the month. Everything we have been taught is the OPPOSITE of what Yahuah ordained. We have been deceived.
Go to: The Dark Moon Deception - 2