The following is provided as a tool to help you 'see' the timing of the events spoken of in the Scriptures. It is a scriptural illustration of the Weekly and Monthly Counts.
The Fourth Day
by NeorahYah Germaine Yisra'el
There will always be those who will say: 'What does 'The Count' have to do with my salvation?' or, 'Why is it important for me learn and understand it?'
The answer is simple. It is important because from the foundation of the world, The Count is embedded in the very essence of the Creation. The sole purpose of which is to provide the means for the created to glorify the Creator through His Shabbats, New Moons, and Mo'edim.
There is a realm outside of man's reality that exists, and has existed, before man's earthly concept of time. We find hints to this in scripture; one example being the prayer, '...Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.' Shabbathot, the Mo'edim and Appointed -Times of Yahuah were already being kept in the heavens by Yahuah, Yahushua, HaMashiach, and the Mal'akiym.
Yisra'el, know for a certainty, 'The Count' was already 'in effect' at the time of the Creation.
Yahuah declares the abundant moon as His steadfast witness in the heavens; the courses of the moon having already been ordained by Yahuah prior to His placement of it in the firmament. In other words, the moon was already in its fifth lunar phase (from the full moon), the waning gibbous, when Yahuah placed it in the heavens along with the sun, on the 4th Day of the Creation. That Day was the 5th Day of the Monthly Count, and signaled the beginning of the count of man's earthly time according to the Jubilees of Yahuah; and occurred in the beginning of months as Yahuah would iterate to Mosheh, two thousand years later in Exodus 12:2.
The heavenly catalyst for the subsequent earthly events was the observance of New Moon Day in heaven. Prior to Yahuah creating the moon,
the East Gate of the Heavenly Temple was open for the worship of Yahuah, Elohiym Elyon, when all the Sons of Yahuah gathered together before The Creation. ~Job 38:7~
How do we know? Count The Days!
We know because three days after the creation of the two great lights, Yahuah rested on the Shabbat, on the 7th Day of the Weekly Count.
That first earthly Shabbat was on the 8th Day of the Monthly Count, having been established by the heavenly New Moon Day, just seven days prior.
The Glory of Yahuah, His Shekinah, illuminates the heavenly realms, and regulates His Appointed-Times, just as it shall again on earth during
the Eighth Day Revelation 21:23). For now, the sun and moon serve as earthly facsimiles of the True Light that resides in heaven; acting as signs for seasons (the sun), and for His Appointed-Times (the moon); His Steadfast Witness in the heavens. This is why the correct New Moons are so important and Set-Apart. They represent the Light of Yahuah, Himself; guiding the way for man to be in fellowship with Him on His Mo'edim. This can only be done via an abundant Full Moon.
So, if this be true; everything, from 'The Beginning' in Genesis, to the 'Beginning of Months' in Exodus 12:2, to the Beginning of our awakening
to Yahuah's calendar, should fall into place. Genesis occurred approximately 6000 years ago; the Exodus, approximately 4000 years ago.
Ditto for Mosheh and The Manna and the Quail event, which we've already covered.
Let us examine the sequence of the Creation events to determine if The Count 'adds-up' by our current timing, on a current calendar.
Look at the YFOL calendar below for the Hebrew month of Abib (year 2018). The Gregorian dates and year are in blue, and are for a reference only.
The Weekly Count is purple, the Monthly Count is white, the Shabbathot are red, and the Mo'edim are yellow.
If Yahuah be true (and he is), and every man a liar, then His Count will endure down through the ages, whether it be 4000 years ago, 2000 years ago,
in 2018 (the year this was written), or in the future 7th Day Millennial kingdom. Yahuah's Count, like Himself, does not change.
Please note how the timing of Genesis 1:1-31, and 2:1-3, still adds up on a calendar Beginning with New Moon Day, on the last day of the 12th Hebrew month (year 2017), and continuing for seven days! Pay attention to the instructions given to Mosheh in Exodus 12:1-19 and their evident timing for Abib 2018! Consider the placement of the Dark Moon on the 15th Day of the Monthly Count and Yahuah's gift of the Pillar Of Fire during the Exodus!
Then open your eyes and see that: Yahuah. Does. Not. Change.
Today is November 14, 2022, Gregorian. I have intentionally chosen to utilize the Abib 2018 calendar to prove that Yahuah does not change in His Count. You may choose any calendar for the month Abib, for any year by clicking hereYFOL CALENDARS
to prove/verify/confirm Yahuah's Heavenly Count.
The answer is simple. It is important because from the foundation of the world, The Count is embedded in the very essence of the Creation. The sole purpose of which is to provide the means for the created to glorify the Creator through His Shabbats, New Moons, and Mo'edim.
There is a realm outside of man's reality that exists, and has existed, before man's earthly concept of time. We find hints to this in scripture; one example being the prayer, '...Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.' Shabbathot, the Mo'edim and Appointed -Times of Yahuah were already being kept in the heavens by Yahuah, Yahushua, HaMashiach, and the Mal'akiym.
Yisra'el, know for a certainty, 'The Count' was already 'in effect' at the time of the Creation.
Yahuah declares the abundant moon as His steadfast witness in the heavens; the courses of the moon having already been ordained by Yahuah prior to His placement of it in the firmament. In other words, the moon was already in its fifth lunar phase (from the full moon), the waning gibbous, when Yahuah placed it in the heavens along with the sun, on the 4th Day of the Creation. That Day was the 5th Day of the Monthly Count, and signaled the beginning of the count of man's earthly time according to the Jubilees of Yahuah; and occurred in the beginning of months as Yahuah would iterate to Mosheh, two thousand years later in Exodus 12:2.
The heavenly catalyst for the subsequent earthly events was the observance of New Moon Day in heaven. Prior to Yahuah creating the moon,
the East Gate of the Heavenly Temple was open for the worship of Yahuah, Elohiym Elyon, when all the Sons of Yahuah gathered together before The Creation. ~Job 38:7~
How do we know? Count The Days!
We know because three days after the creation of the two great lights, Yahuah rested on the Shabbat, on the 7th Day of the Weekly Count.
That first earthly Shabbat was on the 8th Day of the Monthly Count, having been established by the heavenly New Moon Day, just seven days prior.
The Glory of Yahuah, His Shekinah, illuminates the heavenly realms, and regulates His Appointed-Times, just as it shall again on earth during
the Eighth Day Revelation 21:23). For now, the sun and moon serve as earthly facsimiles of the True Light that resides in heaven; acting as signs for seasons (the sun), and for His Appointed-Times (the moon); His Steadfast Witness in the heavens. This is why the correct New Moons are so important and Set-Apart. They represent the Light of Yahuah, Himself; guiding the way for man to be in fellowship with Him on His Mo'edim. This can only be done via an abundant Full Moon.
So, if this be true; everything, from 'The Beginning' in Genesis, to the 'Beginning of Months' in Exodus 12:2, to the Beginning of our awakening
to Yahuah's calendar, should fall into place. Genesis occurred approximately 6000 years ago; the Exodus, approximately 4000 years ago.
Ditto for Mosheh and The Manna and the Quail event, which we've already covered.
Let us examine the sequence of the Creation events to determine if The Count 'adds-up' by our current timing, on a current calendar.
Look at the YFOL calendar below for the Hebrew month of Abib (year 2018). The Gregorian dates and year are in blue, and are for a reference only.
The Weekly Count is purple, the Monthly Count is white, the Shabbathot are red, and the Mo'edim are yellow.
If Yahuah be true (and he is), and every man a liar, then His Count will endure down through the ages, whether it be 4000 years ago, 2000 years ago,
in 2018 (the year this was written), or in the future 7th Day Millennial kingdom. Yahuah's Count, like Himself, does not change.
Please note how the timing of Genesis 1:1-31, and 2:1-3, still adds up on a calendar Beginning with New Moon Day, on the last day of the 12th Hebrew month (year 2017), and continuing for seven days! Pay attention to the instructions given to Mosheh in Exodus 12:1-19 and their evident timing for Abib 2018! Consider the placement of the Dark Moon on the 15th Day of the Monthly Count and Yahuah's gift of the Pillar Of Fire during the Exodus!
Then open your eyes and see that: Yahuah. Does. Not. Change.
Today is November 14, 2022, Gregorian. I have intentionally chosen to utilize the Abib 2018 calendar to prove that Yahuah does not change in His Count. You may choose any calendar for the month Abib, for any year by clicking hereYFOL CALENDARS
to prove/verify/confirm Yahuah's Heavenly Count.
Let us consider the first 8 days of 'The Creation and Yahuah's Calendar'. March 25th to March 30th is completing the last week of the 12th Month of 2017, Gregorian. You can see (and easily verify) that it ended on a Full Moon on the 30th day, Gregorian. Remember, a full moon occurs every 29.5 to 30 days.
We are using a calendar that not only utilizes Yahuah's time clock, but also exhibits current Gregorian dating for 2018. This is to illustrate the unchanging timing of the creation events documented in Genesis, played out on a current calendar. In other words, the creation events are superimposed on 2018.
It will either support Yahuah's Time Clock, or it won't. The Count will either 'fall into place', or it will simply, fall flat.
The very first calendar given for mankind's benefit, is the recorded events of Genesis 1: 1-29, and Genesis 2: 1-3. As it relates to the creation of the world, it concludes that all that is in the earth, and the fullness thereof, belongs to Yahuah.
As previously mentioned, New Moons are observed in the heavens. Examples of the heavenly host gathering on New Moon Day are:
Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7, and Hebrews 12:22. I would even say that, with the exception of the Seraphiym, who praise continually, any day where it is recorded the mal'akiym gathered in praise, worship, and with one voice; was probably a New Moon Day. That is the purpose of New Moon Day; to bring humble praise and worship before Yahuah, who is worthy to be praised. Therefore, it is fitting that 'The Count' begins there.
1. The day before the 1st Day of Creation was a Heavenly New Moon Day, when all of the mal'akiym gathered together to observe the things
Yahuah was about to do. This was the 1st Day of Yahuah's Monthly Count.
2. The mal'akiym shouted joyously when Yahuah spoke and created Light, and separated it from the Darkness on Day #1 of the Creation.
This was the 2nd Day of Yahuah's Monthly Count; and since it was the Beginning of things, it occurred in the month of Abib - which is the Beginning of months for us. Yahuah reiterated this to Mosheh centuries later in Exodus 12:2.
3. They worshipped and praised El Shaddai, The Almighty Power; who commanded and there 'came to be,' a firmament dividing the waters under the firmament,
from the waters above the firmament on Day #2 of the Creation. This was the 3rd Day of the Monthly Count of Abib.
4. The Seraphiym chanted in reverence: 'Holy, Holy, Holy is Yahuah, Elohiym Tseva'ot: the whole earth is full of His Glory,' when on Day #3of the Creation, Yahuah
commanded and it 'came to be' that the waters were gathered under the heavens unto one place, and caused the dry land to appear, bringing forth grass, herbs and
trees, whose seed was in itself. That was the 4th Day of the Monthly Count of Abib.
5. They were filled with awe and wonder to see the Mighty One who had created them, command, and there 'came to be' lights in the firmament, and also
Two Great Lights that he placed in the heavens to illuminate the earth; so that they be for signs of His Appointed - Times (the moon), and for seasons (the sun).
He did all of this on Day #4 of the Creation, which was the 5th Day of the Monthly Count of Abib.
6. They praised unceasingly when Yahuah, Elohayhem spoke and brought forth life as fish in the waters, and birds in the open firmament of heaven on
Day #5 of the Creation. This was the 6th Day of Yahuah's Monthly Count of Abib.
7. All of the mal'akiym worshipped with one accord when Yahuah Yireh created man in His image, and in the image of the Lamb, in whom there is one accord
with the Father. He gave man, created from the dust of the earth, dominion over all of the earth; blessing them, and giving them power over every living thing that moves
upon the earth. This was Day #6 of the Creation; the 7th Day of the Monthly Count of Abib.
8. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And Yahuah finished the work He had made and rested on Day #7 after His Work.
Yahuah, Meqoddeshkem blessed the 7th Day of the Weekly Count, and sanctified it on the 8th Day of the Monthly Count of Abib.
On the 8th Day of the Monthly Count!
Yahuah established the rhythm of His time clock in the very 1st week of creation. Review the calendar above and note the rhythm of Yahuah's Count.
From that point onward, the count of the Shabbathot of Yahuah would always occur on the 8th Day of the Monthly Count; and seven days after that, on the 15th Day of the Monthly Count; and seven days after that, on the 22nd Day of the Monthly Count; and seven days after that, on the 29th Day, of the Monthly Count.
Do the count yourself and verify (with discernment), that the days of the Shabbathot - from the Creation until present time are:
8 - 15 - 22 - 29
From one New Moon Day until the next New Moon Day, and consisting of the Monthly Count. It will progress along with a simultaneous Weekly Count that will repeat
4 times within the Monthly Count. It is the Rule of 6 and 7. It is New Moon Day that determines when to Begin your Monthly and Weekly Counts and, it is the Full Moon that is the 'sign' for it all.
To prove this, let's continue to use the same calendar, which includes 2018 Gregorian as a reference only. Let's jump ahead in our minds from The Creation to approximately 2000 years along the timeline to the days of Mosheh and the Exodus.
Begin with New Moon Day, or Day #1 of the month of Abib. Count forward 14 Days, noting the progression of the lunar phases as you proceed. Stop on the 14th Day of the Monthly Count of Abib. What is the lunar phase? It is just a smidge from a complete Dark Moon. To be precise, the moon is in its waning crescent phase, possessing
only 1.6% of light.
In the scriptures, this was the evening of the Pesach. The Exodus occurred on the 15th Day of the Monthly Count. Yahuah brought Yisra'el out of Egypt in haste, on a dark night; a night on which you can clearly see in the calendar below, the moon gave forth zero light. It was a night to be much remembered and observed.
Here are two pictures of a sandy desert on a dark, moonless night.
You can clearly see that even if the people brought torches with them to light their way, there would still only be a few feet of illumination around them. (I am reminded of the movie 'Pitch Black' when the travelers are trying to escape with only the light they could contrive), but I digress. Back to the topic.
This is how it would've been back then. Remember that the Egyptians, by the will of Yahuah , drove the Yisraelites out into the desert through fear that
'We all be dead men,' (Exodus 12:33). I can imagine that the Yisraelites may have been a little frightened to find themselves walking in the desert at night; especially the little ones. However, Yahuah had compassion on His people. He provided a Pillar Of Fire to go before them by night, to lead them by the way. ~Exodus 13:20-21~
It is pitch black the evening after the Shabbat, the 1st Day of the Feast Of Unleavened Bread, which lasted for 7 days and ended with a Shabbat on the 8th Day. The moon did not begin to wax significantly until Day #6 of the feast, however Yahuah continued to provide them light via the Pillar Of Fire and (it is my opinion), continued to do so, even for the 40 years they were in the wilderness. I will cite Exodus 13:22 as my scriptural evidence, and ask you to consider how long He provided Manna for the people; but do your own research.
The above calendar shows the lunar phases the Moon transitions through. It shows that on the Correct New Moon Day which is the 'Head' of the month, or Rosh Chodesh; the moon remains Full. Slightly less than 100%, but appearing Full nonetheless. The above calendar gives testimony that the phase of the moon some imposters say is
the 'new' moon in reference to a Dark Moon; actually occurs in the Middle of a lunar cycle. You can verify at NASA's website on what day the waning crescent occurs in the 29.5 to 30 day lunar cycle.
The waning crescent phase of the moon is not the 'Head,' or the Beginning of anything. Look at the calendar above and verify. Yahuah, Tseva'ot created all things when there was Light. He commanded, and there was Light. He hung the Moon in the heavens in its 5th phase of Light, which is the Gibbous phase.
Gibbous is defined by Merriam-Webster as:
a: marked by convexity or swelling.
b: of the moon or planet: seen with more than half but not all of the apparent disc illuminated. Humpbacked. Humped. Curved.
*Please note that it says 'apparent'; meaning that part of a thing that can readily be seen. Does that in any way apply to a dark moon? Is the definition in any way unclear?
The Dark Moon is the Crescent Phase. It is the opposite of Gibbous. It is waning, not swelling. It is concave, not convex.
Merriam-Webster defines concave as:
1: hollowed or rounded inward, like the inside of a bowl.
2: arched in: curving in
To be precise, I use the term 'Dark Moon' only as a distinction from the Full Moon. The fact is, in the middle of a lunar month, the Dark Moon does not even appear in the night sky; having risen shortly after the sun in the morning, traversed the sky along with the sun during the day, and setting shortly after the sun in the evening. Hence, the sky is dark, because the moon is not present in it. Research and verify that this is true.
Yahuah did not command 'Let there be light,' and then go on to fashion, and breathe life into creatures and man, in total darkness. No. he separated the Light from the Darkness. One part of the month for light, one part of the month for darkness, and back again full circle, to begin once again with Light.
Look at the calendar and discern if this be true. Look up at the night sky and verify if this be true. As a reference, compare the 2018 Gregorian dates on the calendar with the lunar phase for that day.
If 'The Count' is a lie, then the Genesis Creation will not bear out; or give testimony of Yahuah's Creation Time Clock on a 2018 calendar, in r/t scriptural evidence of biblical events. It simply will not work. Not with the dark moon doctrine, and not with the crescent moon doctrine. The lunar phases will not align with the biblical events spoken of in Scripture. Look at the calendar and move everything forward by 2 weeks to 'begin' on a dark, or crescent moon. You will always be ahead by 14 to 15 days, and the biblical timing will be skewed. The lunar phases will be out of sync. The 'darkmoonisthenewmoon' doctrine would have Yisra'el coming out of Egypt during a Full Moon! What then would be the purpose of Yahuah providing a Pillar Of Fire? The moon has not changed its ordinances - it is steadfast, as Yahuah stated. It will traverse the heavens in the exact phase it is ordained to present to the earth, on the exact day ordained for it.
It is man who has tampered with time, and subsequently, Yahuah's Count.
The Count 'bears out' from the Creation Week, down through time, and is evident (once we are given eyes to see), on the above calendar for 2018; as it will be for 2022, 2032, etc. It is what it is. Yahuah's truth will endure the tests of time. The Count has perpetuated unchanged down through the ages, in spite of HaShatan's efforts to thwart it. That is because Yahuah has willed that it be restored to those of us in the 4th Generation, who would grab ahold of it, and cherish it; and because Yahuah does not change.
In summary; during The Creation, Yahuah was demonstrating:
1. The Weekly Count towards His Set-Apart Shabbats.
2. The Monthly Count towards His True New Moons and Set-Apart Appointed-Times/Mo'edim.
3. The Rule of 6 and 7.
All three were established in the heavenly realm before the foundation of the world, and given to mankind as a guide to salvation through His yachiyd, Yahushua, HaMashiach.
Follow the Creation time clock, and you will know the Appointed-Times; for the Appointed-Times bear witness of the 1st and 2nd comings of Yahushua, HaMashiach.
So say again: 'What does this have to do with our salvation?'
To which I reply again: 'It has much to do with our salvation. Much in every way.'
I hope this helps those who've never understood the whole 8-15-22-29 'thing.' At one point, I myself was one of them.
Endure in the study, and it will become clear to you.
May Yahuah grant Yisra'el eyes to see.
Yahuah Bless the hearers and doers of His Word.
~NeorahYah Germaine Yisra'el~