The Rule of Six and Seven
By NeorahYah Germaine Yisra'el
Yah's Heavenly Time Clock could not possibly have involved a Sumerian, Egyptian, Babylonian, Julian, or Gregorian calendar. Please refer to the other articles and related audios on this website for background research; and then do your due diligence in searching out the truth in the scriptures via the Ruach HaQodesh. If having done so, you concede the unlikeliness of the above calendars occurring by Yahuah, the logical next step is to conclude (or at the very least consider), that the keeping of Yahuah's Shabbat, according to a repetitive Gregorian calendar is unquestionably, anti-Yah; and if a thing is anti-Yah, then you must stand against it. You must undergo a paradigm shift. With that being said, let us move on to the next step in our awakening.
The Divine Concept Of time
Yahuah has specific methods for showing the passage of time in the scriptures. He established clear and infallible guidelines to assist us, and clearly stated them (whether His creation chooses to be guided by His statutes or not), in the very first chapter of His Book:
'And Yahuah said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and appointed feasts, and for days, and years. And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth: and it was so.'
~Genesis 1: 14-15~
Let us note that Yahuah spoke - and it was so. Unchangeable, and with zero shades of gray attached. He clearly stated, one light (the moon), is for signs (time), and appointed feasts (self-explanatory); and the other light is for days (the sun), and years (seasons). The sun 'rules' the day, and according to its solstices and equinoxes, the seasons are determined, whereby man can sow, reap, and harvest his food. We arise with it in the morning, and lay down when it sets in the evening. The course of our daily lives is determined by the course set by the sun, as Yahuah intended.
The moon 'rules' the night. The sighting of the full moon signifies the end of the monthly cycle. The true New Moon which rises the very next night, will still appear to be Full; signifying the beginning of a new monthly cycle, manifested by weekly and monthly counts.
Monthly Count Review
There are 2 counts that must be done. The first is the 'weekly count', and it proceeds Day 1 through Day 6, with day number 6 being the Preparation Day, as Yahuah demonstrated. Day number 7 is the Shabbat, or rest day. We all get that concept, however where we err, is counting according to the Gregorian calendar. We all know this calendar wasn't in existence when Yahuah set up His ordinance re: the 6:7 ratio, yet we stubbornly cling to it. Here is the beauty and simplicity of Yah's count.
The appearance of the full moon signifies the end of the month. One phase is over. The very next night is the appearance of the true New Moon, or the beginning of the next lunar phase.. It signifies the beginning of a lunar cycle - hence the emphasis on the word 'new.' The New Moon is never included in the weekly count. This is because the New Moon is also Set-Apart unto Yahuah. You do not work on the day of the correct New Moon.
~Isaiah 66:23~
~Numbers 10:10, & 28:11~
~ 1Chronicles 23:30-31~
~ 2Chronicles2:4, & 8:12-13~
The New Moon establishes the 'Monthly Count', and is based on a 29.5 to 30 day lunar cycle. It orders, or regulates the Appointed Times of Yahuah. This count begins on New Moon Day as Day 1, and continues until the next full moon, when that cycle will be completed.
This is the Rule Of Seven, manifested x 4; 4 Shabbats per 29.5 days, of 1 lunar phase, or 1 month.
It is imperative to understand that both the weekly and monthly counts occur simultaneously; although the weekly count begins one day later than the monthly count. Please refer to the audio/visual section, (when available), for more on this.
The sun does what it does, day in, day out - no argument there. The source of contention among Yisra'el however, is whether the the moon is important in determining Yahuah's true Shabbat. The question always becomes: Is there scriptural evidence supporting the moon as the beacon for Yahuah's calendar?
Yes there is, in multiple verses, a few of which I will leave here. Please do your due diligence.
Scriptural Evidence For Yah's Lunar Time Clock
Unquestionably, the moon is singularly the most important factor in understanding and living according to Yahuah's time clock. You must have a firm grasp of that concept because everything, particularly prophecy, down through the ages has been based on an understanding of its phases and the correct counting of the days. The Moon is the building block of all that is to follow.
A Warning
According to Isaiah 1:13-15, a wrong inner attitude concerning the New Moon incurs Yahuah's anger. This verse clearly states that He despises the New Moons man has established. 'Why is that?' you might ask. The answer is very simple: He despises them because according to scripture, New Moons are at the beginning of the month, not in the middle of the month, and not at the crescent, as some factions have proposed. Say what we like, call it what you will, sugar coat it, dip it in chocolate, whatever. The bottom line is this: We follow after this doctrine because it is what the imposters have taught the world to do. We may've received the information from a Hebrew Yisraelite, but he/she received it from an imposter. The whole world follows after them. And yet we know that Yahushua, HaMashiach called them liars, and of the synagogue of haShatan. So why do we cling to anything they say? Why do we follow the guidelines of liars to keep the things of our Mighty One? Common sense should make everything they say suspect.
'Wherefore come out from among them, and be you separate...'
~ 2 Corinthians 6:17~
'And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her
sins, and that you receive not of her plagues.
~Revelation 18:4~
To truly 'come out of her,' you must first be rid of the 'shabbatiseveryfridaytosaturday,' Gregorian mindset. You have been indoctrinated. That understanding and doctrine will lead you into error, and the plagues of Babylon. You've done it once already. You 'came out of' the 'sabbathiseverysunday' Gregorian mindset; now take it one step further and do it again; only this time let the Ruach HaQodesh lead you into all wisdom and truth. Yahuah did not intend for us to receive a little truth and become stagnate, refusing to grow. He has many things to show us, if we can only receive them with an open heart.
It has also been said that the earth and the surrounding universe, is billions of years old. As a bible literalist, I do not agree with this theory. From a spiritual standpoint, the counting and passage of time (as it relates to Yahuah's interactions with mankind), clearly begin with His creation of mankind and the world He created for us. So that going forward, the counting and passage of time is documented in heaven as it relates to Adam, and subsequently, the children of Adam; most specifically, the Son of Adam, and His (and our), relationship with our Father, Yahuah.
This is clearly stated in the introduction to the Cepher of Yovheliym, Also Called Jubilees:
' This is the history of the division of the days of the Torah and of the testimony, of the events of the years, of their (year)
weeks, of their Jubilees throughout all the years of the world, as YAHUAH spoke to Mosheh on Mount Ciynai when he
went up to receive the sapphires of the Torah and of the commandment, according to the voice of Elohiym as he said
unto him, Go up to the top of the Mount.' ~ את Cepher~
It is this marking of time, as it relates to mankind, that we need to understand. The recording of man's events/time began at The Creation; therefore, all prophecy extends from creation. As our Creator, Yahuah alone can declare the end-times from the beginning; and His prophecies are fulfilled throughout all the days of the earth. The means by which He accomplishes this is the Rule of Six and Seven, which if understood, becomes a benefit to mankind. This is why there are 'Books' (plural) opened in heaven at the last judgement. Everything that we do, every word, action, or deed, is recorded in our personal books, and will be opened and read aloud at our judgement.
Yahuah's Concept of Time Is Based On The Number Seven
Because the perception of time is different depending on your location, time cannot be the same in every place. Australia, New York, Thailand, and Dubai all are in different time zones. We are not all on the same geographical page.
Yahuah's concept and documentation of time, has two purposes: To document from the Creation onward, the events of the world: This nation rose, that nation fell; this nation made war upon another, while this nation succumbed to disease and famine. So to, from the Creation through eternity, are the deeds of individual men documented from birth until death. Everything we do in life is recorded in heaven in our individual book(s); always, for Yahuah does not change. The Creation, The Flood, the beginning of a month, the birth of a child, an Appointed Feast, prophecy, all are examples in scripture of event-driven time.
As it relates to prophecy, Yahuah uses two methods of event-driven time.
1. A 'timing' month, which is always 30 days.
Ex. 'In the tenth day of this month...', or, 'on the fifthteenth day of the second month...'
2. A prophetic period, which is always based on the number seven.
Ex. 'When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation...'
~Matthew 24:15~
'And from the time of the removal of the daily lifting up, and the giving of the abomination of
desolation, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.'
~Daniel 12:11~
In regards to the latter, Yahuah is precise and unchanging; and the framework in which He works is a solid seven. The 'Rule Of Seven' was established at the Creation. Six days are given to man, to work and do the necessary things of life; but on the seventh day we are commanded to rest. That is very easy, you only have to count 1-7. By doing this, Yahuah established a 6:7 ratio that will last throughout the ages; and He demonstrated it by the concept of the Preparation Day. For He created all of the things necessary for the sustenance of life prior to Adams' creation on the sixth day. He 'prepared' the world for Adam's existence and then placed Adam on it, in the Garden, to tend it. And when Yahuah saw all of His work, He declared it to be 'very good'. The six days of work were completed. On the seventh day, He rested from His work. The Rule of Six and Seven. The Preparation (6), and then the Shabbat (7).
The Rule Of Seven began at the Creation. This is Yahuah's Creation-established concept of time and it continues throughout the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation.
'After six days Yahushua took Kepha, Ya'aqov, and Yahchannon, his brother, up into a mountain where His appearance and clothing were changed.'
~Matthew 17: 1-2 says,
These two verses have a two-fold significance. Yahushua is revealing to His taught-Ones that like Adam, He also was given six days to be 'in the flesh', literally and symbolically. However the vision Yahushua blessed them to see, offered the assurance that although the end of the sixth day represented an end of His physical body, and signaled the end of a time; His changed appearance promised a seventh day to follow; i.e., the beginning of a new cycle or new spiritual age to come. As He was the First Fruits of the Resurrected. As such, He gave them hope for a resurrection and a spiritual rest of their own. In addition Yahushua charged them not to tell anyone until the six days were complete; until He, the Son Of Adam, was crucified and resurrected on the seventh day, Master of the Shabbat, and ascended into heaven.
As you can see, a clear pattern is emerging, and it will repeat, and double, and multiply itself according to the number seven, throughout the scriptures, and down through time. Yah willing, this pattern will reveal how it extends even into the millennial Kingdom.
The Rule Of Seven and The Week Of Years
"The earth is Yahuah's, and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established
it upon the floods"
~ Psalms 24:1-2, & 104: 5-34~ ( says it all)
~ 1Corinthians 10:26-28~
'On the third day Yahuah created the dry land and called it 'Earth,' and the gathered waters he called 'Seas.' And he brought forth grass
and herb yielding seeds and fruit trees of every kind, able to produce its kind from seeds within its' self. He created all things that live on the
earth, flies above it, and fills the waters to remind mankind that it was indeed good. ~Genesis 1:9-13~
He gave us a law concerning the maintenance of all the things He'd created.
"Speak unto the children of Yisra'el and say unto them, when you come into the land which I give you, then shall the land keep a Shabbat unto Yahuah.
Six years you shall sow your field, and six years you shall prune your vineyard and gather in the fruit thereof; But in the seventh year shall be a Shabbat
of rest unto the land, a Shabbat for Yahuah: you shall neither sow your field, nor prune your vineyard. That which grows of its own accord of your
harvest you shall not reap, neither gather the grapes of your vine undressed: for it is a year of rest unto the land. And the Shabbat of the land shall be
meat for you; for you and for your servant, and for your maid, and for your hired servant; and for your stranger that travels with you. And for your
cattle, and for the beast that are in your land, shall all the increase thereof be meat." ~Leviticus 25:2-7~
In the scriptures, this particular 6:7 ratio is known as a 'Week Of Years.'
1 week =7 years.
This is important because all prophecy, judgement, and restoration hinges on this factor. What exactly did a Week of Years entail? If we were blessed to have our own fields, from which we reaped the benefits and fed our families, we were allowed to sow and reap for six consecutive years. On the seventh year we were commanded to leave the land to rest, so that it might enjoy its Shabbats. This law gave our ancestors an entire year to worship and praise Yahuah, remembering that He is the Creator of all things. However, Yah did not forget that His people needed to eat while the land was at rest.
This is how He provided for us during the Shabbat for the land:
"And if you say, What shall we eat the seventh year? Behold we shall not sow, nor gather-in, our increase: Then I will command My Blessing upon you in the
sixth year, and it shall bring forth fruit for three years. And you shall sow the eighth year, and eat yet of old fruit until the ninth year; until her fruits come
in you shall eat of the old store." ~Leviticus 25: 20-22~
Yahuah went on to explain why this law was to be kept in verse 23 of the above scripture:
"The land shall not be sold forever: for the land is mine: for you were strangers and sojourners with me.
And in all the land of your possession, you shall grant a redemption for the land." ~Leviticus 25:23~
The seventh year of rest is a Restorative, or Renewal time period. In terms of the 6:7 ratio and the Rule Of Seven, this is how it presents in the scriptures:
1. Six years we were allowed to work the land and prepare.
2. The seventh year is a Shabbat to restore the land.
3. The eighth year was a year of renewal, restoration, and rebirth. The eighth year was a new concept to the children of Yisra'el.
Unfortunately, Yisra'el eventually transgressed this commandment.
What was the penalty for transgression, and how did Yahuah's Week Of Years factor into the judgement?
The original 6:7 ratio, or preparation/ Shabbat period was established for Adam in the garden of Eden. However, when Adam transgressed and was cast out of the Garden, the heavenly clock, as it related to man, was 're-set.' A new 6:7 ratio was established; only this time it was for Yahushua, HaMashiach, and His future bride, the Elect of Yah. We see this new module of time confirmed in ~Daniel 9:24 ~
Yisra'el was to be in Babylonian captivity 70 years to atone for their lack of keeping the Shabbats for the land.
How did Yahuah reach this number as a Judgement?
He used Mathematics.
7 years = 1 Week of Years
70 years (captivity) = the number of missed land Shabbats, therefore,
70 x7 = 490 years that Yisra'el transgressed this law.
490 ÷ 7 = 70 years of captivity in Babylon
Yahuah judged Yisra'el 70 years to atone for the number of years they did not allow His creation to be at rest.
~Jeremiah 25:11~
~2 Chronicles 36: 16-17, & 20-21~
Here's another example of the Rule of 7 as it applies to the Week Of Years:
'For 70 Shabbats, cut off are the people from the set-apart city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make
reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the
Set-Apart of Set-Apart. Know therefore and understand, from the going forth of the decree to return and to build Yerushalem until
HaMaschiach the Prince, is seven Shabbats and threescore and two.' ~Daniel 9 : 24-25~
These are two separate prophecies utilizing the Rule Of Seven, and for both Yahuah is utilizing a Shabbatical Count; meaning you do exactly what the scripture says and count shabbathot/Shavua only. Here is the mathematics for the above two verses:
Verse 24:
7 years = 1 Week of Years
70 years (captivity) = the number of missed land Shabbats, therefore,
70 x7 = 490 years that Yisra'el transgressed this law.
490 ÷ 7 = 70 years of captivity in Babylon.
1 score = 20 years.
3 score +2 score = 62 years
Verse 25:
The interim between the decree to re-build and Yahushua, HaMashiach is:
3 score and 2 Shavua = 62 Shabbats
62 x 7 Shabbat years = 434 years
434 years + 70 years of Babylonian captivity = 504 years until Yahushua, HaMaschiach is born.
Note: There is disagreement in history as to when the decree was actually issued, and by whom.
This is simply to show the precision in the calculations of prophecy.
Verse 26:
Yahushua is presumed to have lived 30 years, and then was cut off/crucified as prophesied.
Another more modern example:
'And He said unto Avram; "Know for a surety that your seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them;
and they shall afflict them four hundred years."' ~Genesis 15:13~
400 ÷ 7 = 57.2
57.2 x 7= 400.4
Our ancestors transgressed and failed again to keep the Land Shabbats (among other things), hence Yahuah's quantitative judgement: 400 years of captivity/slavery. To drive the point home, Yah stated:
"I, Yah, will chastise you seven times for your sins...I will scatter you among the heathen,...and your land shall be desolate, and your
cities waste. Then shall the land enjoy her Shabbats, as long as it lieth desolate, and you be in your enemies' land; even then shall
the land rest, and enjoy her Shabbats. As long as it lieth desolate it shall rest; because it did not rest in your Shabbats, when you dwelt upon it."
~Leviticus 26:28, and 33-35~
In the Apocryphal Books of Adam and Eve, (BOAE), the story is told that after he was expelled, Adam became despondent and remorseful. He longed to return to the Garden Of Eden; fasting and praying continuously, in the hopes that Yahuah would allow him re-entry. Yahuah could not allow this, however He did have compassion on Adam. Yahuah made the first covenant with Adam, and promised him:
"I have ordained days and years on this earth, and you and your descendants shall live and walk in them until the days and years are fulfilled.
Then I shall send the Word that created you, and against which you have transgressed. The Word that made you come out of the Garden and
that raised you when you were fallen. Yes, this is the Word that will again save you when the five and a half days are fulfilled..."
Then Yahuah in His mercy for Adam, who was made after His Image and Likeness, explained to him that the five and a half days were
5000 and 500 years, and how (the) One would then come and save him and his descendants.' ~BOAE 3:1-2 &6~
This along with the calculation of 504 years until HaMashiach came, spoken of in Daniel, suggests the approximate age of the earth at the time of Yahushua's first coming. In the BOAE, Yah judged Adam 5500 years until his redemption. This is important because if the age of the earth, from its creation until Yahushua came was 5500 years, then we should be able to calculate approximately where we are in relation to End Time prophecy and the sixth millennium.
Based on the 6:7 ratio and the Rule of Seven, we should be able to get an idea of how long before our Redemption comes. How far are we along Yahuah's Restorative module of time? Are we nearing the end of the Preparation phase of the sixth day? For that matter, are we even in the sixth millennium?
There's math for that too.
The Sixth , Seventh, and Eighth Millenniums
Is it important to know the sign of the times? Absolutely! Yahushua instructs us to be aware of the events of the latter days. Some of us could use a 'reality check' to tighten up our spiritual walk. At first it seems daunting, but I believe Yahuah and Yahushua desire that we are fully conscious, suited up in our armor, and prepared for battle. So if taken slowly, we will see the beauty of Yah's plan for mankind through Yahushua haMashiach. Yet how do we go about it? How do we determine the approximate age of the earth, beginning with Adam's expulsion from the Garden, to present day?
Once again, we do mathematics taken from the pages of scripture.
There is a reason why the genealogies and the ages of our ancestors are recorded so meticulously and (in some cases), repetitively in the scriptures. Yahuah knew that there would be a need for His Elect to discern the times; and so He placed in His Word, guidelines by which we can, as Dawid said, 'learn to count the days.'
According to the covenant Yahuah made with Adam, the time clock for mankind was re-set with the expulsion of Adam from the Garden. Adam needed to know how long he would have to wait for his redemption, and he needed to learn how to measure time so that he could teach his children to have hope for deliverance. The BOAE makes a point of stating in chronological order, the number of days, weeks, and years Adam was removed from the Garden. That says to me, Yahuah considered the counting of those first days after the expulsion very important.
Three criteria are documented in scripture to help us determine the approximate age of the earth:
1. A man's age at the birth of his firstborn son.
2. A man's age at the time of his death.
3. Significant events that relate to both Yah's and man's timeline.
Step 1.
Determine the earth's age before the flood, and add the ages of all the patriarchs at the time of their first-born son, from Adam to Lemek.
Step 2.
In Genesis 5:3-29, it says that Noah was 600 years old the day the Flood came. Add that to the total in Step 1.
This is how it should look:
Age @ the time of son's birth
1. Adam - 130 years
2. Seth - 105 years
3. Enosh - 90 years
4. Qeynan - 70 years
5. Mahalaeel - 65 years
6. Yered - 162 years
7. Enoch - 65 years
8. Methuselah - 187 years
9. Lemek - 182 years
Total: 1056 years
10. Noah - 600 years
Total: the Earth was 1656 years old at the time of the Flood.
That is all that is required by Yahuah to mark the passage of man's time on earth.
Step 3.
Determine a man's age @ the time of his death.
In Genesis 9:28, it says Noah lived 350 years after the Flood and died. Add that to the total in Step 2.
Total: the earth was 2006 years old when Noah died.
The third criteria for determining the approximate age of the earth is event-driven. In the Scriptures this is a significant event that marks the passage of time according to Yahuah's standards.
Example 1
In Genesis 12:4 Abram was 75 years old, when he received the Covenant from Yahuah. Add 75 to 2006 in Step #3
Total: 2081 years.
Example 2
According to Galatians 3:16, the Earth was 2511 years old when the Torah was given to Mosheh.
Add 430 to 2081.
Example 3
Solomon began to build the first temple in the 480th year after the Exodus from Egypt. ~ 1 Kings 6:1~
Add 480 to 2511,
Total: 2991 years Earth age
Example 4
Research any secular website, and you'll discover that the consensus is that Solomon reigned approximately 1000 years before the birth of Yahushua. I will accept this range, and add 1000 to 2991.
Total earth age at the time of Yahushua's birth: 3991
Example 5
The current year 2020 AD (the year I wrote this article); or the number of years since Yahushua's death . Add 2020 to 3991.
Total: 6011 earth age
Example 6
Add the 400 years prophesied to Abraham in Genesis 15:13, to 5991 (includes number of years (AD)after the death of Yahoshua).
Total: The Earth is approx. 6,391 years old, or in its Sixth Millennium.
Even the Gregorian calendar bears witness in a historical sense, to the accuracy of Yah's heavenly calendar in Example 6. According to it, there has been 2018 years since the crucifixion of Yahoshua. Let's do the math. If we use the promise given to our father Adam in the BOAE, Yah vowed that Yahushua would redeem Adam in 5500 years. If that prophecy is accurate then the Sixth Millennium should be right about now.
5500- Adamic Covenant of Yahoshua's Redemption.
2020 AD - The current age
1526 - The Portuguese slave trade to the Americas began.
400 year prophecy of affliction in a strange land.
5500 + 2020 = 7520.
7520 - 1526= 5994
5994 + 400 = 6394
Total: Even by the Gregorian calendar, the Earth is 6394 years old; well within the Sixth Millennium, or the Preparation Age.
Let's do another
5500 - Adamic Covenant
1619 - The year the first slaves are documented entering the United States
400 - The prophecy of slavery.
7520 - 1619 = 5901
5901 + 400 = 6301
Total: The Earth is 6301 years old! +/- a few years, we are consistently well within the Sixth Millennium, or the Preparation Age.
There is also scientific and biological evidence that these are truly the Latter days. (3).
The Methuselah Tree - Pinus Longaeva- is located in the White Mountains of Inyo County, in California; it has been cross-dated at 4848 years old; (a ring count was not performed, as some trees will occasionally produce 2 rings instead of 1 ring per year). It was originally thought to be the oldest tree in the world until a recent discovery of another Pinus Longaeva known as 'Prometheus.' That tree was estimated to be at least 4862 years to 5000 years old.
Count the number of years from Adam to the Flood, based on the age of the patriarchs at the birth of their first born son, and the total will be 1656 years.
Then plug in the numbers allowing for a 10% margin of error due to the extra ring count dilemma.
It will look like this:
Methuselah Tree -
4848 ÷ 10 = 484.8
4848 - 484.8 = 4363.2
4363 + 1656 = 6019.2
Total: 6019, approximate age of the Earth to date
The numbers are comparable for the Prometheus Tree.
I am comfortable concluding that we are living in the sixth millennium, aka the Sixth Day, before our Shabbat Rest returns; but do your own research.
Why go through all of this? Well, because some of us need a good hard shake before we realize that time really is growing short; and that these are truly the End Times of the Sixth Millennium. We need to put off these childish things, grow up quickly, Come Out From Among Them, and be about our Father's business while there is still time.
The Time Measurements Of Yahuah
Yahuah has a precise and determined method for marking the passage of time and fulfilling His prophecies.
They are:
The Preparation
1. 6 Days
2. 6th Week
3. 6 Milleniums
Each module of time represents mankind's time or activity on the Earth. Each is a Preparation phase for the approaching Shabbat, which begins in the sixth millennium, and ends with Yahushua returning to Redeem His Elect at the end of the sixth millennium..
~Luke 24: 1-7, Rev.22:10, Matt.17: 1-2, Dan. 9: 24,Lev. 25: 1-3, & 18-22, and Gen. 1:1-31~
The Shabbat Rest
1. 7th Day
2. 7th Year
3. 7th Millenium
The seventh day is a day of rest; it is Set-Apart unto Yahuah. In the seventh year the land is rested. The entire year is consecrated unto Yahuah.
Transgressing this law (among other things), is what determined the length of our captivities. In the seventh millennium, Yahushua establishes His Kingdom,
and the Elect of Yahuah shall live in it and be at rest for 1000 years. As for the nations, where ever they are, the land is desolate while it enjoys its Shabbats.
~Gen 2: 2-3, Lev 25:4-5, & 26:28, & 32:35; 2 Chronicles 36:21, Jere 25:11, and Rev 20:1-5.
At the end of the 7th Day, HaShatan is released from his prison, loses the war against Yahuah's Righteous Ones, and is thrown into the Lake of Fire.
The Second Resurrection occurs, along with the Great White Throne Judgement. Those whose names are not found in the Book Of Life, are cast into the Lake of Fire. This completes the 7th Day.
Enter the Eighth Day The Eighth Day
The Restoration/Renewal, or the Eighth Day.
1. 8th Day
2. 8th Week
3. 8th Millenium
On the eighth 'day', or during the first 1000 years after the Creation (remember, 1 day is like a 1000 yrs, etc.), both of the following occurred: Adam was expelled from the Garden, and Methuselah died being 969 years old, fulfilling the prophecy of Gen.2:15-17.
The eighth 'week' is a year of 12 months. It is the also the 50th year Jubilee. Refer to the table on The 50th Year Jubilee, Part One.
During the eighth 'week', the land begins to put forth new growth and is restored. I believe we will be physically restored to our homeland during the eighth Week.
A New Heaven and a New Earth will occur after the Shabbat rest and purification for the land ( which Yahushua's Millennial Kingdom will surely be), and it will be during a Jubilee year (more on that later, Yahuah willing). HaShatan has been thrown into the Lake Of Fire, and the 2nd Resurrection, and the Great White Throne judgements have occurred.
The eighth Millennium will be a period of magnificent restoration. All things are passed away. Yahuah says:
'Behold I make all things new.'
~Rev. 21:5 ~
As promised via the covenant to our father Adam: we are admitted back into the Garden of Eden. We are given the right to eat from the Tree Of Life , and to drink from the Living Waters. There will be a new Heaven and a new Earth, made without the necessity for the sun or the moon, for Yahuah will lighten it, and Yahushua, our King will dwell there.
~ Rev.21: 1-27 & 22: 1-21~
Regarding the hour of the coming of the Son Of Adam, Yahushua had this to say:
'But of that day and hour knows no man, no not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were , so shall also the
coming of the Son Of Man be. For as in the days that were before the Flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage,
unto the day that Noah entered the ark, and knew not until the Flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son Of Adam be.'
~Matt 24:36-39~
In summary we cannot know the time of haMashiach's coming, however, we can and should be ever vigilant. Yahushua gave us the parable of the fig tree:
'When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is nigh. So likewise you, when you shall see all these things,
know that it is near, even at the doors.' ~Matt 24:32-34~
Yahushua further warned us with:
'Watch therefore: for you know not what hour your haMaschiach comes.'
~ Matt 24:42~
I cannot emphasize this enough:
The sixth 'Day' is now. We are in the sixth Week, the sixth Millennium. Hopefully we are all in 'preparation' for the return of Yahushua,
Master of The Shabbat, for He has said:
'...behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.' ~Revelation 22:12~
Study and learn the beauty of Yahuah's Heavenly time Clock, so that when Yahushua returns, He will find us with our lamps lit, waiting to enter the kingdom.
May Yahuah bless the hearers and doers of His Word.
~NeorahYah Yisra'el~
2. 'Old Testament Timeline.'
3. Fowler, Jr., F.S. 'God's Great Week Of Time.'
4. lifehopeandtruth. com '70 Weeks Of Daniel.'
5. The First and Second Books Of Adam and Eve
6. The Scriptures
7. Eth Cepher
8. The Book of Jubilees
Go to: The Eighth Day
Yah's Heavenly Time Clock could not possibly have involved a Sumerian, Egyptian, Babylonian, Julian, or Gregorian calendar. Please refer to the other articles and related audios on this website for background research; and then do your due diligence in searching out the truth in the scriptures via the Ruach HaQodesh. If having done so, you concede the unlikeliness of the above calendars occurring by Yahuah, the logical next step is to conclude (or at the very least consider), that the keeping of Yahuah's Shabbat, according to a repetitive Gregorian calendar is unquestionably, anti-Yah; and if a thing is anti-Yah, then you must stand against it. You must undergo a paradigm shift. With that being said, let us move on to the next step in our awakening.
The Divine Concept Of time
Yahuah has specific methods for showing the passage of time in the scriptures. He established clear and infallible guidelines to assist us, and clearly stated them (whether His creation chooses to be guided by His statutes or not), in the very first chapter of His Book:
'And Yahuah said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and appointed feasts, and for days, and years. And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth: and it was so.'
~Genesis 1: 14-15~
Let us note that Yahuah spoke - and it was so. Unchangeable, and with zero shades of gray attached. He clearly stated, one light (the moon), is for signs (time), and appointed feasts (self-explanatory); and the other light is for days (the sun), and years (seasons). The sun 'rules' the day, and according to its solstices and equinoxes, the seasons are determined, whereby man can sow, reap, and harvest his food. We arise with it in the morning, and lay down when it sets in the evening. The course of our daily lives is determined by the course set by the sun, as Yahuah intended.
The moon 'rules' the night. The sighting of the full moon signifies the end of the monthly cycle. The true New Moon which rises the very next night, will still appear to be Full; signifying the beginning of a new monthly cycle, manifested by weekly and monthly counts.
Monthly Count Review
There are 2 counts that must be done. The first is the 'weekly count', and it proceeds Day 1 through Day 6, with day number 6 being the Preparation Day, as Yahuah demonstrated. Day number 7 is the Shabbat, or rest day. We all get that concept, however where we err, is counting according to the Gregorian calendar. We all know this calendar wasn't in existence when Yahuah set up His ordinance re: the 6:7 ratio, yet we stubbornly cling to it. Here is the beauty and simplicity of Yah's count.
The appearance of the full moon signifies the end of the month. One phase is over. The very next night is the appearance of the true New Moon, or the beginning of the next lunar phase.. It signifies the beginning of a lunar cycle - hence the emphasis on the word 'new.' The New Moon is never included in the weekly count. This is because the New Moon is also Set-Apart unto Yahuah. You do not work on the day of the correct New Moon.
~Isaiah 66:23~
~Numbers 10:10, & 28:11~
~ 1Chronicles 23:30-31~
~ 2Chronicles2:4, & 8:12-13~
The New Moon establishes the 'Monthly Count', and is based on a 29.5 to 30 day lunar cycle. It orders, or regulates the Appointed Times of Yahuah. This count begins on New Moon Day as Day 1, and continues until the next full moon, when that cycle will be completed.
This is the Rule Of Seven, manifested x 4; 4 Shabbats per 29.5 days, of 1 lunar phase, or 1 month.
It is imperative to understand that both the weekly and monthly counts occur simultaneously; although the weekly count begins one day later than the monthly count. Please refer to the audio/visual section, (when available), for more on this.
The sun does what it does, day in, day out - no argument there. The source of contention among Yisra'el however, is whether the the moon is important in determining Yahuah's true Shabbat. The question always becomes: Is there scriptural evidence supporting the moon as the beacon for Yahuah's calendar?
Yes there is, in multiple verses, a few of which I will leave here. Please do your due diligence.
Scriptural Evidence For Yah's Lunar Time Clock
Unquestionably, the moon is singularly the most important factor in understanding and living according to Yahuah's time clock. You must have a firm grasp of that concept because everything, particularly prophecy, down through the ages has been based on an understanding of its phases and the correct counting of the days. The Moon is the building block of all that is to follow.
A Warning
According to Isaiah 1:13-15, a wrong inner attitude concerning the New Moon incurs Yahuah's anger. This verse clearly states that He despises the New Moons man has established. 'Why is that?' you might ask. The answer is very simple: He despises them because according to scripture, New Moons are at the beginning of the month, not in the middle of the month, and not at the crescent, as some factions have proposed. Say what we like, call it what you will, sugar coat it, dip it in chocolate, whatever. The bottom line is this: We follow after this doctrine because it is what the imposters have taught the world to do. We may've received the information from a Hebrew Yisraelite, but he/she received it from an imposter. The whole world follows after them. And yet we know that Yahushua, HaMashiach called them liars, and of the synagogue of haShatan. So why do we cling to anything they say? Why do we follow the guidelines of liars to keep the things of our Mighty One? Common sense should make everything they say suspect.
'Wherefore come out from among them, and be you separate...'
~ 2 Corinthians 6:17~
'And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her
sins, and that you receive not of her plagues.
~Revelation 18:4~
To truly 'come out of her,' you must first be rid of the 'shabbatiseveryfridaytosaturday,' Gregorian mindset. You have been indoctrinated. That understanding and doctrine will lead you into error, and the plagues of Babylon. You've done it once already. You 'came out of' the 'sabbathiseverysunday' Gregorian mindset; now take it one step further and do it again; only this time let the Ruach HaQodesh lead you into all wisdom and truth. Yahuah did not intend for us to receive a little truth and become stagnate, refusing to grow. He has many things to show us, if we can only receive them with an open heart.
It has also been said that the earth and the surrounding universe, is billions of years old. As a bible literalist, I do not agree with this theory. From a spiritual standpoint, the counting and passage of time (as it relates to Yahuah's interactions with mankind), clearly begin with His creation of mankind and the world He created for us. So that going forward, the counting and passage of time is documented in heaven as it relates to Adam, and subsequently, the children of Adam; most specifically, the Son of Adam, and His (and our), relationship with our Father, Yahuah.
This is clearly stated in the introduction to the Cepher of Yovheliym, Also Called Jubilees:
' This is the history of the division of the days of the Torah and of the testimony, of the events of the years, of their (year)
weeks, of their Jubilees throughout all the years of the world, as YAHUAH spoke to Mosheh on Mount Ciynai when he
went up to receive the sapphires of the Torah and of the commandment, according to the voice of Elohiym as he said
unto him, Go up to the top of the Mount.' ~ את Cepher~
It is this marking of time, as it relates to mankind, that we need to understand. The recording of man's events/time began at The Creation; therefore, all prophecy extends from creation. As our Creator, Yahuah alone can declare the end-times from the beginning; and His prophecies are fulfilled throughout all the days of the earth. The means by which He accomplishes this is the Rule of Six and Seven, which if understood, becomes a benefit to mankind. This is why there are 'Books' (plural) opened in heaven at the last judgement. Everything that we do, every word, action, or deed, is recorded in our personal books, and will be opened and read aloud at our judgement.
Yahuah's Concept of Time Is Based On The Number Seven
Because the perception of time is different depending on your location, time cannot be the same in every place. Australia, New York, Thailand, and Dubai all are in different time zones. We are not all on the same geographical page.
Yahuah's concept and documentation of time, has two purposes: To document from the Creation onward, the events of the world: This nation rose, that nation fell; this nation made war upon another, while this nation succumbed to disease and famine. So to, from the Creation through eternity, are the deeds of individual men documented from birth until death. Everything we do in life is recorded in heaven in our individual book(s); always, for Yahuah does not change. The Creation, The Flood, the beginning of a month, the birth of a child, an Appointed Feast, prophecy, all are examples in scripture of event-driven time.
As it relates to prophecy, Yahuah uses two methods of event-driven time.
1. A 'timing' month, which is always 30 days.
Ex. 'In the tenth day of this month...', or, 'on the fifthteenth day of the second month...'
2. A prophetic period, which is always based on the number seven.
Ex. 'When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation...'
~Matthew 24:15~
'And from the time of the removal of the daily lifting up, and the giving of the abomination of
desolation, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.'
~Daniel 12:11~
In regards to the latter, Yahuah is precise and unchanging; and the framework in which He works is a solid seven. The 'Rule Of Seven' was established at the Creation. Six days are given to man, to work and do the necessary things of life; but on the seventh day we are commanded to rest. That is very easy, you only have to count 1-7. By doing this, Yahuah established a 6:7 ratio that will last throughout the ages; and He demonstrated it by the concept of the Preparation Day. For He created all of the things necessary for the sustenance of life prior to Adams' creation on the sixth day. He 'prepared' the world for Adam's existence and then placed Adam on it, in the Garden, to tend it. And when Yahuah saw all of His work, He declared it to be 'very good'. The six days of work were completed. On the seventh day, He rested from His work. The Rule of Six and Seven. The Preparation (6), and then the Shabbat (7).
The Rule Of Seven began at the Creation. This is Yahuah's Creation-established concept of time and it continues throughout the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation.
'After six days Yahushua took Kepha, Ya'aqov, and Yahchannon, his brother, up into a mountain where His appearance and clothing were changed.'
~Matthew 17: 1-2 says,
These two verses have a two-fold significance. Yahushua is revealing to His taught-Ones that like Adam, He also was given six days to be 'in the flesh', literally and symbolically. However the vision Yahushua blessed them to see, offered the assurance that although the end of the sixth day represented an end of His physical body, and signaled the end of a time; His changed appearance promised a seventh day to follow; i.e., the beginning of a new cycle or new spiritual age to come. As He was the First Fruits of the Resurrected. As such, He gave them hope for a resurrection and a spiritual rest of their own. In addition Yahushua charged them not to tell anyone until the six days were complete; until He, the Son Of Adam, was crucified and resurrected on the seventh day, Master of the Shabbat, and ascended into heaven.
As you can see, a clear pattern is emerging, and it will repeat, and double, and multiply itself according to the number seven, throughout the scriptures, and down through time. Yah willing, this pattern will reveal how it extends even into the millennial Kingdom.
The Rule Of Seven and The Week Of Years
"The earth is Yahuah's, and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established
it upon the floods"
~ Psalms 24:1-2, & 104: 5-34~ ( says it all)
~ 1Corinthians 10:26-28~
'On the third day Yahuah created the dry land and called it 'Earth,' and the gathered waters he called 'Seas.' And he brought forth grass
and herb yielding seeds and fruit trees of every kind, able to produce its kind from seeds within its' self. He created all things that live on the
earth, flies above it, and fills the waters to remind mankind that it was indeed good. ~Genesis 1:9-13~
He gave us a law concerning the maintenance of all the things He'd created.
"Speak unto the children of Yisra'el and say unto them, when you come into the land which I give you, then shall the land keep a Shabbat unto Yahuah.
Six years you shall sow your field, and six years you shall prune your vineyard and gather in the fruit thereof; But in the seventh year shall be a Shabbat
of rest unto the land, a Shabbat for Yahuah: you shall neither sow your field, nor prune your vineyard. That which grows of its own accord of your
harvest you shall not reap, neither gather the grapes of your vine undressed: for it is a year of rest unto the land. And the Shabbat of the land shall be
meat for you; for you and for your servant, and for your maid, and for your hired servant; and for your stranger that travels with you. And for your
cattle, and for the beast that are in your land, shall all the increase thereof be meat." ~Leviticus 25:2-7~
In the scriptures, this particular 6:7 ratio is known as a 'Week Of Years.'
1 week =7 years.
This is important because all prophecy, judgement, and restoration hinges on this factor. What exactly did a Week of Years entail? If we were blessed to have our own fields, from which we reaped the benefits and fed our families, we were allowed to sow and reap for six consecutive years. On the seventh year we were commanded to leave the land to rest, so that it might enjoy its Shabbats. This law gave our ancestors an entire year to worship and praise Yahuah, remembering that He is the Creator of all things. However, Yah did not forget that His people needed to eat while the land was at rest.
This is how He provided for us during the Shabbat for the land:
"And if you say, What shall we eat the seventh year? Behold we shall not sow, nor gather-in, our increase: Then I will command My Blessing upon you in the
sixth year, and it shall bring forth fruit for three years. And you shall sow the eighth year, and eat yet of old fruit until the ninth year; until her fruits come
in you shall eat of the old store." ~Leviticus 25: 20-22~
Yahuah went on to explain why this law was to be kept in verse 23 of the above scripture:
"The land shall not be sold forever: for the land is mine: for you were strangers and sojourners with me.
And in all the land of your possession, you shall grant a redemption for the land." ~Leviticus 25:23~
The seventh year of rest is a Restorative, or Renewal time period. In terms of the 6:7 ratio and the Rule Of Seven, this is how it presents in the scriptures:
1. Six years we were allowed to work the land and prepare.
2. The seventh year is a Shabbat to restore the land.
3. The eighth year was a year of renewal, restoration, and rebirth. The eighth year was a new concept to the children of Yisra'el.
Unfortunately, Yisra'el eventually transgressed this commandment.
What was the penalty for transgression, and how did Yahuah's Week Of Years factor into the judgement?
The original 6:7 ratio, or preparation/ Shabbat period was established for Adam in the garden of Eden. However, when Adam transgressed and was cast out of the Garden, the heavenly clock, as it related to man, was 're-set.' A new 6:7 ratio was established; only this time it was for Yahushua, HaMashiach, and His future bride, the Elect of Yah. We see this new module of time confirmed in ~Daniel 9:24 ~
Yisra'el was to be in Babylonian captivity 70 years to atone for their lack of keeping the Shabbats for the land.
How did Yahuah reach this number as a Judgement?
He used Mathematics.
7 years = 1 Week of Years
70 years (captivity) = the number of missed land Shabbats, therefore,
70 x7 = 490 years that Yisra'el transgressed this law.
490 ÷ 7 = 70 years of captivity in Babylon
Yahuah judged Yisra'el 70 years to atone for the number of years they did not allow His creation to be at rest.
~Jeremiah 25:11~
~2 Chronicles 36: 16-17, & 20-21~
Here's another example of the Rule of 7 as it applies to the Week Of Years:
'For 70 Shabbats, cut off are the people from the set-apart city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make
reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the
Set-Apart of Set-Apart. Know therefore and understand, from the going forth of the decree to return and to build Yerushalem until
HaMaschiach the Prince, is seven Shabbats and threescore and two.' ~Daniel 9 : 24-25~
These are two separate prophecies utilizing the Rule Of Seven, and for both Yahuah is utilizing a Shabbatical Count; meaning you do exactly what the scripture says and count shabbathot/Shavua only. Here is the mathematics for the above two verses:
Verse 24:
7 years = 1 Week of Years
70 years (captivity) = the number of missed land Shabbats, therefore,
70 x7 = 490 years that Yisra'el transgressed this law.
490 ÷ 7 = 70 years of captivity in Babylon.
1 score = 20 years.
3 score +2 score = 62 years
Verse 25:
The interim between the decree to re-build and Yahushua, HaMashiach is:
3 score and 2 Shavua = 62 Shabbats
62 x 7 Shabbat years = 434 years
434 years + 70 years of Babylonian captivity = 504 years until Yahushua, HaMaschiach is born.
Note: There is disagreement in history as to when the decree was actually issued, and by whom.
This is simply to show the precision in the calculations of prophecy.
Verse 26:
Yahushua is presumed to have lived 30 years, and then was cut off/crucified as prophesied.
Another more modern example:
'And He said unto Avram; "Know for a surety that your seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them;
and they shall afflict them four hundred years."' ~Genesis 15:13~
400 ÷ 7 = 57.2
57.2 x 7= 400.4
Our ancestors transgressed and failed again to keep the Land Shabbats (among other things), hence Yahuah's quantitative judgement: 400 years of captivity/slavery. To drive the point home, Yah stated:
"I, Yah, will chastise you seven times for your sins...I will scatter you among the heathen,...and your land shall be desolate, and your
cities waste. Then shall the land enjoy her Shabbats, as long as it lieth desolate, and you be in your enemies' land; even then shall
the land rest, and enjoy her Shabbats. As long as it lieth desolate it shall rest; because it did not rest in your Shabbats, when you dwelt upon it."
~Leviticus 26:28, and 33-35~
In the Apocryphal Books of Adam and Eve, (BOAE), the story is told that after he was expelled, Adam became despondent and remorseful. He longed to return to the Garden Of Eden; fasting and praying continuously, in the hopes that Yahuah would allow him re-entry. Yahuah could not allow this, however He did have compassion on Adam. Yahuah made the first covenant with Adam, and promised him:
"I have ordained days and years on this earth, and you and your descendants shall live and walk in them until the days and years are fulfilled.
Then I shall send the Word that created you, and against which you have transgressed. The Word that made you come out of the Garden and
that raised you when you were fallen. Yes, this is the Word that will again save you when the five and a half days are fulfilled..."
Then Yahuah in His mercy for Adam, who was made after His Image and Likeness, explained to him that the five and a half days were
5000 and 500 years, and how (the) One would then come and save him and his descendants.' ~BOAE 3:1-2 &6~
This along with the calculation of 504 years until HaMashiach came, spoken of in Daniel, suggests the approximate age of the earth at the time of Yahushua's first coming. In the BOAE, Yah judged Adam 5500 years until his redemption. This is important because if the age of the earth, from its creation until Yahushua came was 5500 years, then we should be able to calculate approximately where we are in relation to End Time prophecy and the sixth millennium.
Based on the 6:7 ratio and the Rule of Seven, we should be able to get an idea of how long before our Redemption comes. How far are we along Yahuah's Restorative module of time? Are we nearing the end of the Preparation phase of the sixth day? For that matter, are we even in the sixth millennium?
There's math for that too.
The Sixth , Seventh, and Eighth Millenniums
Is it important to know the sign of the times? Absolutely! Yahushua instructs us to be aware of the events of the latter days. Some of us could use a 'reality check' to tighten up our spiritual walk. At first it seems daunting, but I believe Yahuah and Yahushua desire that we are fully conscious, suited up in our armor, and prepared for battle. So if taken slowly, we will see the beauty of Yah's plan for mankind through Yahushua haMashiach. Yet how do we go about it? How do we determine the approximate age of the earth, beginning with Adam's expulsion from the Garden, to present day?
Once again, we do mathematics taken from the pages of scripture.
There is a reason why the genealogies and the ages of our ancestors are recorded so meticulously and (in some cases), repetitively in the scriptures. Yahuah knew that there would be a need for His Elect to discern the times; and so He placed in His Word, guidelines by which we can, as Dawid said, 'learn to count the days.'
According to the covenant Yahuah made with Adam, the time clock for mankind was re-set with the expulsion of Adam from the Garden. Adam needed to know how long he would have to wait for his redemption, and he needed to learn how to measure time so that he could teach his children to have hope for deliverance. The BOAE makes a point of stating in chronological order, the number of days, weeks, and years Adam was removed from the Garden. That says to me, Yahuah considered the counting of those first days after the expulsion very important.
Three criteria are documented in scripture to help us determine the approximate age of the earth:
1. A man's age at the birth of his firstborn son.
2. A man's age at the time of his death.
3. Significant events that relate to both Yah's and man's timeline.
Step 1.
Determine the earth's age before the flood, and add the ages of all the patriarchs at the time of their first-born son, from Adam to Lemek.
Step 2.
In Genesis 5:3-29, it says that Noah was 600 years old the day the Flood came. Add that to the total in Step 1.
This is how it should look:
Age @ the time of son's birth
1. Adam - 130 years
2. Seth - 105 years
3. Enosh - 90 years
4. Qeynan - 70 years
5. Mahalaeel - 65 years
6. Yered - 162 years
7. Enoch - 65 years
8. Methuselah - 187 years
9. Lemek - 182 years
Total: 1056 years
10. Noah - 600 years
Total: the Earth was 1656 years old at the time of the Flood.
That is all that is required by Yahuah to mark the passage of man's time on earth.
Step 3.
Determine a man's age @ the time of his death.
In Genesis 9:28, it says Noah lived 350 years after the Flood and died. Add that to the total in Step 2.
Total: the earth was 2006 years old when Noah died.
The third criteria for determining the approximate age of the earth is event-driven. In the Scriptures this is a significant event that marks the passage of time according to Yahuah's standards.
Example 1
In Genesis 12:4 Abram was 75 years old, when he received the Covenant from Yahuah. Add 75 to 2006 in Step #3
Total: 2081 years.
Example 2
According to Galatians 3:16, the Earth was 2511 years old when the Torah was given to Mosheh.
Add 430 to 2081.
Example 3
Solomon began to build the first temple in the 480th year after the Exodus from Egypt. ~ 1 Kings 6:1~
Add 480 to 2511,
Total: 2991 years Earth age
Example 4
Research any secular website, and you'll discover that the consensus is that Solomon reigned approximately 1000 years before the birth of Yahushua. I will accept this range, and add 1000 to 2991.
Total earth age at the time of Yahushua's birth: 3991
Example 5
The current year 2020 AD (the year I wrote this article); or the number of years since Yahushua's death . Add 2020 to 3991.
Total: 6011 earth age
Example 6
Add the 400 years prophesied to Abraham in Genesis 15:13, to 5991 (includes number of years (AD)after the death of Yahoshua).
Total: The Earth is approx. 6,391 years old, or in its Sixth Millennium.
Even the Gregorian calendar bears witness in a historical sense, to the accuracy of Yah's heavenly calendar in Example 6. According to it, there has been 2018 years since the crucifixion of Yahoshua. Let's do the math. If we use the promise given to our father Adam in the BOAE, Yah vowed that Yahushua would redeem Adam in 5500 years. If that prophecy is accurate then the Sixth Millennium should be right about now.
5500- Adamic Covenant of Yahoshua's Redemption.
2020 AD - The current age
1526 - The Portuguese slave trade to the Americas began.
400 year prophecy of affliction in a strange land.
5500 + 2020 = 7520.
7520 - 1526= 5994
5994 + 400 = 6394
Total: Even by the Gregorian calendar, the Earth is 6394 years old; well within the Sixth Millennium, or the Preparation Age.
Let's do another
5500 - Adamic Covenant
1619 - The year the first slaves are documented entering the United States
400 - The prophecy of slavery.
7520 - 1619 = 5901
5901 + 400 = 6301
Total: The Earth is 6301 years old! +/- a few years, we are consistently well within the Sixth Millennium, or the Preparation Age.
There is also scientific and biological evidence that these are truly the Latter days. (3).
The Methuselah Tree - Pinus Longaeva- is located in the White Mountains of Inyo County, in California; it has been cross-dated at 4848 years old; (a ring count was not performed, as some trees will occasionally produce 2 rings instead of 1 ring per year). It was originally thought to be the oldest tree in the world until a recent discovery of another Pinus Longaeva known as 'Prometheus.' That tree was estimated to be at least 4862 years to 5000 years old.
Count the number of years from Adam to the Flood, based on the age of the patriarchs at the birth of their first born son, and the total will be 1656 years.
Then plug in the numbers allowing for a 10% margin of error due to the extra ring count dilemma.
It will look like this:
Methuselah Tree -
4848 ÷ 10 = 484.8
4848 - 484.8 = 4363.2
4363 + 1656 = 6019.2
Total: 6019, approximate age of the Earth to date
The numbers are comparable for the Prometheus Tree.
I am comfortable concluding that we are living in the sixth millennium, aka the Sixth Day, before our Shabbat Rest returns; but do your own research.
Why go through all of this? Well, because some of us need a good hard shake before we realize that time really is growing short; and that these are truly the End Times of the Sixth Millennium. We need to put off these childish things, grow up quickly, Come Out From Among Them, and be about our Father's business while there is still time.
The Time Measurements Of Yahuah
Yahuah has a precise and determined method for marking the passage of time and fulfilling His prophecies.
They are:
The Preparation
1. 6 Days
2. 6th Week
3. 6 Milleniums
Each module of time represents mankind's time or activity on the Earth. Each is a Preparation phase for the approaching Shabbat, which begins in the sixth millennium, and ends with Yahushua returning to Redeem His Elect at the end of the sixth millennium..
~Luke 24: 1-7, Rev.22:10, Matt.17: 1-2, Dan. 9: 24,Lev. 25: 1-3, & 18-22, and Gen. 1:1-31~
The Shabbat Rest
1. 7th Day
2. 7th Year
3. 7th Millenium
The seventh day is a day of rest; it is Set-Apart unto Yahuah. In the seventh year the land is rested. The entire year is consecrated unto Yahuah.
Transgressing this law (among other things), is what determined the length of our captivities. In the seventh millennium, Yahushua establishes His Kingdom,
and the Elect of Yahuah shall live in it and be at rest for 1000 years. As for the nations, where ever they are, the land is desolate while it enjoys its Shabbats.
~Gen 2: 2-3, Lev 25:4-5, & 26:28, & 32:35; 2 Chronicles 36:21, Jere 25:11, and Rev 20:1-5.
At the end of the 7th Day, HaShatan is released from his prison, loses the war against Yahuah's Righteous Ones, and is thrown into the Lake of Fire.
The Second Resurrection occurs, along with the Great White Throne Judgement. Those whose names are not found in the Book Of Life, are cast into the Lake of Fire. This completes the 7th Day.
Enter the Eighth Day The Eighth Day
The Restoration/Renewal, or the Eighth Day.
1. 8th Day
2. 8th Week
3. 8th Millenium
On the eighth 'day', or during the first 1000 years after the Creation (remember, 1 day is like a 1000 yrs, etc.), both of the following occurred: Adam was expelled from the Garden, and Methuselah died being 969 years old, fulfilling the prophecy of Gen.2:15-17.
The eighth 'week' is a year of 12 months. It is the also the 50th year Jubilee. Refer to the table on The 50th Year Jubilee, Part One.
During the eighth 'week', the land begins to put forth new growth and is restored. I believe we will be physically restored to our homeland during the eighth Week.
A New Heaven and a New Earth will occur after the Shabbat rest and purification for the land ( which Yahushua's Millennial Kingdom will surely be), and it will be during a Jubilee year (more on that later, Yahuah willing). HaShatan has been thrown into the Lake Of Fire, and the 2nd Resurrection, and the Great White Throne judgements have occurred.
The eighth Millennium will be a period of magnificent restoration. All things are passed away. Yahuah says:
'Behold I make all things new.'
~Rev. 21:5 ~
As promised via the covenant to our father Adam: we are admitted back into the Garden of Eden. We are given the right to eat from the Tree Of Life , and to drink from the Living Waters. There will be a new Heaven and a new Earth, made without the necessity for the sun or the moon, for Yahuah will lighten it, and Yahushua, our King will dwell there.
~ Rev.21: 1-27 & 22: 1-21~
Regarding the hour of the coming of the Son Of Adam, Yahushua had this to say:
'But of that day and hour knows no man, no not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were , so shall also the
coming of the Son Of Man be. For as in the days that were before the Flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage,
unto the day that Noah entered the ark, and knew not until the Flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son Of Adam be.'
~Matt 24:36-39~
In summary we cannot know the time of haMashiach's coming, however, we can and should be ever vigilant. Yahushua gave us the parable of the fig tree:
'When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is nigh. So likewise you, when you shall see all these things,
know that it is near, even at the doors.' ~Matt 24:32-34~
Yahushua further warned us with:
'Watch therefore: for you know not what hour your haMaschiach comes.'
~ Matt 24:42~
I cannot emphasize this enough:
The sixth 'Day' is now. We are in the sixth Week, the sixth Millennium. Hopefully we are all in 'preparation' for the return of Yahushua,
Master of The Shabbat, for He has said:
'...behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.' ~Revelation 22:12~
Study and learn the beauty of Yahuah's Heavenly time Clock, so that when Yahushua returns, He will find us with our lamps lit, waiting to enter the kingdom.
May Yahuah bless the hearers and doers of His Word.
~NeorahYah Yisra'el~
2. 'Old Testament Timeline.'
3. Fowler, Jr., F.S. 'God's Great Week Of Time.'
4. lifehopeandtruth. com '70 Weeks Of Daniel.'
5. The First and Second Books Of Adam and Eve
6. The Scriptures
7. Eth Cepher
8. The Book of Jubilees
Go to: The Eighth Day