April 11, 2018: YFOL FB Group Post By NeorahYah Germaine Yisra'el
The History Behind the Saturday and Sunday Sabbaths
Hillel ll held the office of Nasi, in the Sanhedrin in 4th century AD at the height of the Roman Empire. The religious environment at the time was embroiled in a controversy over how to Reconcile the observance of the biblical Pesach on Abib 14 (which when calculated using the biblical calendar, could fall on any day of the week of the pagan Julian calendar); with the observance of Easter, which the Western Roman Bishops wanted to fall strictly on Sunday, as a Roman Catholic festival.
[research why & how the Western and Eastern Bishops parted ways].
It became a struggle between the solemnity of the Exodus & the later sacrifice of Yahoshua, HaMashiach, versus the celebration of the resurrection of Christ, which happened to coincide with the dates for pagan celebrations.
Constantine l, aka Constantine, The Great, was a devout paganist. He decreed that Dies Solis (Sunday) would become the 1st day of the week, establishing it as the most important day, and initiated 'The Sunday Law' which forbade people to desecrate Sunday. He also decreed that the Hebrew, Biblical calendar should no longer be used to calculate those dates. He accomplished 3 things:
1. He standardized a planetary 7 Day week. He made Dies Solis (Sunday) the 1st Day of the week; which AUTOMATICALLY MADE DIES SATURNI (SATURDAY), the 7TH DAY OF THE WEEK.
2. He exalted Easter, and detracted from the Pesach by ensuring that the two would never occur on the same day.
3. He exalted Dies Solis (Sunday), as the day of worship for everyone.
IOW's: Constantine changed the times from Yahuah's calendar to a counterfeit calendar. He detracted from the moon which Yahuah declared to be for a sign and for the Appointed Times of Yahuah; and exalted the sun, which Yahuah appointed for seasons, to govern the things of man.
After his death, His son, Constantius decreed that the Biblical calendar could not be used at all, not even for the jews, and their persecution increased greatly. Christians were not to be found judah-izing the 7TH Day, but should work on that day, anyone who was non-compliant, was excommunicated.
* even that was totally bogus, because the observance of the 7TH Day Sabbath was EVEN THEN, according to a Pagan calendar*
Because of Constantine, Christians think Sunday has ALWAYS been the Sabbath, and Yisra'el thinks Saturday has ALWAYS been the Shabbat, mainly because that's when the Gregorian calendar says the 7TH Day is; and that's when the jews observe Shabbat. However, the Gregorian calendar ( a reformed Julian Calendar), is a pagan, counterfeit; and more importantly, the jews are duplicitous in the deception.
Enter Hillel ll.
Prior to 70AD the High Priests followed Yahuah's Biblical Calendar. After 70 AD, it was the head or Nasi of the Sanhedrin (a rabbinical supreme court) who determined the calendar; the length of a year, if a leap year was to be added, the appearance of the false 'new moon', if a 13th Month was to added, etc. That person was Hillel ll, who was Nasi between 320 - 385 CE 4th Century.
In 359 CE, Hillel ll MODIFIED Yahuah's Biblical calendar, to make it easier for the jews to assimilate into the Roman-Christian culture.
The Romans prohibited the Sanhedrin from doing their job, so Hillel ll 'Fixed' all future calendars by incorporating leap years permanently, using a 19 year metonic cycle.
Hillel ll did 3 things:
1. He transferred the observance of the Biblical Shabbats from the 8TH, 15TH, 22ND, and 29TH DAYS OF YAHUAH'S LUNAR BASED CALENDAR; to every 7TH Day of the JULIAN CALENDAR. IOW's, Hillel ll changed the Shabbats to EVERY SATURDAY.
2. This led to him establishing 'The Rules of Postponement', which weren't needed prior to him 'fixing' the calendar. Yahuah's Calendar was perfect. Research this on your own.
3. He secured the survival of Judaism, however, he fixed 'theshabbatiseverysaturday' doctrine for all time.
Now, because of Hillel ll, (and let's not forget Constantine l), Hebrew Yisraelites cling to that doctrine as if their lives depended on it. For some you'll have to pry it from their cold dead fingers. But it is a deception, Yisra'el. A deception brought about by the Father of Lies, and his emissaries, the RCC, and the Imposters.
This is the history behind those who are Dies Solis worshippers, AND those who are Dies Saturni worshippers.
C.O.F.A.T. Yisra'el; B4 it's 2late.