The Hidden Truth Regarding Shavu'ot by NeorahYah Germaine Yisra'el
Once again I am proposing a paradigm shift. It is simply this:
The world has miscalculated the timing for the Counting of the Omer; or the timing of Shavu'ot. It is not 50 days after the Pesach, as is traditionally taught; but rather it is 50 days added to the Seventh Shabbat; and then we are to 'offer a new meat (grain) offering unto Yahuah.'
In Yisra'el, barley, wheat and other grains, are planted in the autumn. Barley ripens first, and is harvested in the spring, at the time of the Pesach, in the first month of Abib. Wheat, on the other hand, ripens a little later, usually in the Second Month. Depending on the amount of rainfall for the season, and the region where the planting is done, crops may be a little early or late for the season.
Here is a little known agricultural fact: there is a second wheat planting that occurs in the spring. It is planted just after the spring harvest, matures over late spring, early summer; and is ready for harvesting in the late summer or early fall. The timing of the second harvest will also depend on regional climate conditions, but usually occurs near the end of the Fourth Month or the beginning of the Fifth Month - which (as a reference only), would be July/August on the Gregorian calendar. It is the recognition of this second harvest, as it relates to Shavu'ot, and under the guidelines of Leviticus 23: 15-16, that will be discussed in this article.
To review: A prerequisite for correctly counting the days of any of the Mo'edim, is a sound understanding of Yah's Calendar and Time Clock. His calendar is Luni-solar, and Full Moon oriented, as opposed to the Gregorian calendar, which is solar-based, and dark moon oriented; or the Judaic calendar, which is lunar-based, but is crescent moon oriented. Research, study, and practice are required to obtain the basic tools necessary to correctly count the Shabbats and the Appointed Times of Yahuah; as all of the feasts are either testimony of, or prophecy of Yahushua, HaMashiach's First, and Second Comings.
The scripture, 'Line upon line; precept upon precept. Here a little, there a little;' aptly applies when dealing with this subject.
Observation of, or abstention from the feast days, is not the focus of this article, or any of the articles on this website, relating to the feast days. However, recognizing that Yahushua is in the Feasts of Yahuah; that he has come, and will come again; and how that is made evident through the feasts, is the focus.
If you have a desire for the truth, the very first paragraph of this article should've sent you to your reference books, bibles, web sources, etc., to rightly divide the Word of Truth; for there can only be one conclusion regarding the context of that first paragraph. Either it is a subversion of the truth, an act of heresy, and is therefore anti-Yah; or, it is truth given to Yisra'el by Yahuah, Himself, via His Ruach HaQodesh.
That is for you to decide. Yah Bless the Hearers and Doers of His Word.
A Refresher
1. With Yahuah's calendar, there are two simultaneous counts; the Weekly Count of 1 through 7; and the Monthly
Count of 1 through 29 or 30, depending on the length of the lunar cycle.
2. The Full Moon signifies the end of the month; the completion of the lunar cycle.
3. The moon completes a lunar cycle every 29.5 to 30 days; therefore, the dark moon will always occur on the 14th
or 15th day, in the middle of the month; not at the beginning of the month.
4. The Full Moon completes the month on the 29th or 30th Day. The next day, which is New Moon Day, will also be a full moon. It is Rosh Chodesh,
the Beginning of the Month, or Day #1 of the new Monthly Count.
5. Because New Moon Day is Set-Apart unto Yahuah, it is never counted in the Weekly Count.
6. However, because New Moon Day begins the new lunar cycle; it is always counted in the Monthly Count.
7. On Yah's Calendar, the Shabbats have and will always, fall on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th Day
of the Monthly Count. Take note of the scriptures; it has been so since the foundation of the world.
8. Lunar Cycle Completion Days (LCCD), are days that fall between a Shabbat and New Moon Day, on the occasion when the lunar cycle for that month is 30 days,
as opposed to 29 days. They are not counted in either the Weekly, nor Monthly counts. They are the Preparation Day for Yahuah's Set-Apart
New Moon Day that follows.
* Side Note:
YFOL's calendars are provided on this website, extend back to 2017, and can be printed for personal use. It does not matter what year you choose, Yahuah's Calendar stands firm. Please refer to Months 1 through 5 for the purposes of this article.
Please read the following article before you proceed: The First Fruits Offering and The Wave Sheaf
With these guidelines in mind, the YFOL calendars in hand, and strictly following the instructions given in
Leviticus 23:15, we can conclude that the Seventh Shabbat from the Wave Sheaf Offering occurs
on the 8th Day of the 3rd Month, or the 49th Day of 2 consecutive Monthly Counts.
Count of 1 through 29 or 30, depending on the length of the lunar cycle.
2. The Full Moon signifies the end of the month; the completion of the lunar cycle.
3. The moon completes a lunar cycle every 29.5 to 30 days; therefore, the dark moon will always occur on the 14th
or 15th day, in the middle of the month; not at the beginning of the month.
4. The Full Moon completes the month on the 29th or 30th Day. The next day, which is New Moon Day, will also be a full moon. It is Rosh Chodesh,
the Beginning of the Month, or Day #1 of the new Monthly Count.
5. Because New Moon Day is Set-Apart unto Yahuah, it is never counted in the Weekly Count.
6. However, because New Moon Day begins the new lunar cycle; it is always counted in the Monthly Count.
7. On Yah's Calendar, the Shabbats have and will always, fall on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th Day
of the Monthly Count. Take note of the scriptures; it has been so since the foundation of the world.
8. Lunar Cycle Completion Days (LCCD), are days that fall between a Shabbat and New Moon Day, on the occasion when the lunar cycle for that month is 30 days,
as opposed to 29 days. They are not counted in either the Weekly, nor Monthly counts. They are the Preparation Day for Yahuah's Set-Apart
New Moon Day that follows.
* Side Note:
YFOL's calendars are provided on this website, extend back to 2017, and can be printed for personal use. It does not matter what year you choose, Yahuah's Calendar stands firm. Please refer to Months 1 through 5 for the purposes of this article.
Please read the following article before you proceed: The First Fruits Offering and The Wave Sheaf
With these guidelines in mind, the YFOL calendars in hand, and strictly following the instructions given in
Leviticus 23:15, we can conclude that the Seventh Shabbat from the Wave Sheaf Offering occurs
on the 8th Day of the 3rd Month, or the 49th Day of 2 consecutive Monthly Counts.
The Wave Sheaf and Shavu'ot Connection
The Wave Sheaf Offering is perpetually linked to Shavu'ot. You cannot have one without the other, and be compliant with Torah. They are the only Appointed-Times of Yahuah that do not have specific dates assigned to them. In order to determine the timing of the two events, we must follow the instructions Yahuah gave us in the scriptures. We begin by:
1. Determining the Day of the Wave Sheaf Offering
Yahuah gave Yisra'el instructions on when they were to perform the Wave Sheaf Offering:
'Speak unto the children of Yisra'el, and say unto them, When you are come into the land which I give unto you,
and shall reap the harvest thereof, then you shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvests unto the
priest. And he shall wave the sheaf before Yahuah, to be accepted for you: on the morrow after the
Shabbat the priest shall wave it.' ~Leviticus 23:10~
'And you shall eat neither bread, nor parched grain, nor green ears, until the selfsame day that you have
brought an offering unto your Mighty One: It shall be a statute forever throughout your generations
in all your dwellings.' ~Leviticus 23:14~
When did Yisra'el come into the Promised land?
'And the people came up out of the Yarden on the 10th Day of the First Month, and encamped in Gilgal,
in the east border of Yeriycho.' ~Joshua 5:10~
'And the children of Yisra'el encamped in Gilgal, and kept the Pesach on the 14th day of the month at
evening in the plains of Yeriycho.' ~ Joshua 5:10~
Forty years after coming out of Egypt, Yisra'el crossed over the Yarden and entered the Promised land.
They immediately began harvesting the barley found in the fields outside of Yeriycho; however, they did not eat any of it,
in keeping with the second part of Yahuah's instructions. On the evening of the Pesach, and during the day of the
following Shabbat, they ate of the food they'd prepared three days before:
'...Pass through the host, and command the people, saying, Prepare you victuals; for within three days
you shall pass over this Yarden, to go in to possess the land, which Yahuah Elohaykem gives you to possess it.'
The following day was a Shabbat, the 15th Day of the First Month. According to Numbers 28: 1-8, on a Shabbat, double the weekly sacrifices and offerings were required in the Tent Of Assembly. The Wave Sheaf Offering, which included the best sheaves, and First Fruit of the barley crop, were gathered up and presented to the priests; and the High priest waved the sheaf before Yahuah as commanded. (See The Five Offerings). This offering most likely occurred at midday or early afternoon (after the regular daily and weekly Shabbat offerings), in time for the old grain of the land to be baked into matstsah for the Feast of Unleavened Bread that evening.
The Wave Sheaf Offering occurred on the Shabbat; on the 15th Day of the First Month, Abib. After which, the children of Yisra'el observed the Feast of Unleavened Bread with matstsah baked from the old grain found in the Promised land.
How do we know?
We know because Joshua 5:11 testifies so:
'And they did eat of the old grain of the land on the morrow after the Pesach, matstsah cakes, and
parched grain in the selfsame day.'
The Wave Sheaf Offering will always be the 15th Day of Abib. The following scripture verifies this:
'And the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old grain of the land; neither had
the children of Yisra'el manna anymore, but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Kena'an that year.'
~Joshua 5:12~
This occurred on the 16th Day of the Monthly Count of Abib.
When Yisra'el performed the Wave Sheaf, which was an act of obedience and an offering of thanksgiving; Yahuah finished the Exodus portion of provision for His people. He then provided the means for Yisra'el to sustain themselves that year, and the years to follow, by bringing them into the plains of Gilgal; a land overflowing with ripened barley, and other grains.
1. Determining the Day of the Wave Sheaf Offering
Yahuah gave Yisra'el instructions on when they were to perform the Wave Sheaf Offering:
'Speak unto the children of Yisra'el, and say unto them, When you are come into the land which I give unto you,
and shall reap the harvest thereof, then you shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvests unto the
priest. And he shall wave the sheaf before Yahuah, to be accepted for you: on the morrow after the
Shabbat the priest shall wave it.' ~Leviticus 23:10~
'And you shall eat neither bread, nor parched grain, nor green ears, until the selfsame day that you have
brought an offering unto your Mighty One: It shall be a statute forever throughout your generations
in all your dwellings.' ~Leviticus 23:14~
When did Yisra'el come into the Promised land?
'And the people came up out of the Yarden on the 10th Day of the First Month, and encamped in Gilgal,
in the east border of Yeriycho.' ~Joshua 5:10~
'And the children of Yisra'el encamped in Gilgal, and kept the Pesach on the 14th day of the month at
evening in the plains of Yeriycho.' ~ Joshua 5:10~
Forty years after coming out of Egypt, Yisra'el crossed over the Yarden and entered the Promised land.
They immediately began harvesting the barley found in the fields outside of Yeriycho; however, they did not eat any of it,
in keeping with the second part of Yahuah's instructions. On the evening of the Pesach, and during the day of the
following Shabbat, they ate of the food they'd prepared three days before:
'...Pass through the host, and command the people, saying, Prepare you victuals; for within three days
you shall pass over this Yarden, to go in to possess the land, which Yahuah Elohaykem gives you to possess it.'
The following day was a Shabbat, the 15th Day of the First Month. According to Numbers 28: 1-8, on a Shabbat, double the weekly sacrifices and offerings were required in the Tent Of Assembly. The Wave Sheaf Offering, which included the best sheaves, and First Fruit of the barley crop, were gathered up and presented to the priests; and the High priest waved the sheaf before Yahuah as commanded. (See The Five Offerings). This offering most likely occurred at midday or early afternoon (after the regular daily and weekly Shabbat offerings), in time for the old grain of the land to be baked into matstsah for the Feast of Unleavened Bread that evening.
The Wave Sheaf Offering occurred on the Shabbat; on the 15th Day of the First Month, Abib. After which, the children of Yisra'el observed the Feast of Unleavened Bread with matstsah baked from the old grain found in the Promised land.
How do we know?
We know because Joshua 5:11 testifies so:
'And they did eat of the old grain of the land on the morrow after the Pesach, matstsah cakes, and
parched grain in the selfsame day.'
The Wave Sheaf Offering will always be the 15th Day of Abib. The following scripture verifies this:
'And the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old grain of the land; neither had
the children of Yisra'el manna anymore, but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Kena'an that year.'
~Joshua 5:12~
This occurred on the 16th Day of the Monthly Count of Abib.
When Yisra'el performed the Wave Sheaf, which was an act of obedience and an offering of thanksgiving; Yahuah finished the Exodus portion of provision for His people. He then provided the means for Yisra'el to sustain themselves that year, and the years to follow, by bringing them into the plains of Gilgal; a land overflowing with ripened barley, and other grains.
2. Begin to Count the Omer
What does it mean to 'Count the Omer?'
Simply put, it means to count the days from the Wave Sheaf Offering to determine the day of the Feast of Shavu'ot. You do this by following the instructions laid out in scripture; and you will come to see that the two days are forever linked.
What is an omer?
The omer is a unit of dry measurement used in ancient Yisra'el, to determine the amount of flour required to make an offering to Yahuah in the Tent of Assembly; or later, in the first and second Temples, in Yerushalom.
According to Wikipedia: by today's standards, one omer would be equal to 3.64 liters of liquid measurement; or 1.6 - 1.8kg of dry measurement.
Here is the Torah for counting the omer to arrive at Shavu'ot:
'And you shall count unto you from the morrow after the Shabbat, from the day that you brought
the sheaf of the wave offering...' ~Leviticus 23:15~
This is Strong's Concordance definition of:
1. Morrow - (H4282, H4283, H4279): tomorrow, the next day, the day after.
2. From - (H3117): day (24 hours), daytime in contrast to night, each day, every day.
IOW's, it is saying:
'And you shall count unto you, the next day; from the day after the Shabbat; from the day after you
brought the wave sheaf offering...'
Continuing in verse 15:
'...Seven Shabbathot shall be complete.'
We have learned that 'counting the days' involves two simultaneous counts; a Weekly Count and a Monthly Count.
However, in Leviticus 23:15, Yahuah is giving us a special set of instructions. He is introducing a Shabbatical Count for calculating the omer, based on the number seven.
Do not complicate the issue; the answer is plain for those with the eyes to see. Yahuah is not the author of confusion; HaShatan and his emissaries are. Forget what the imposters have taught for millennia; you only need to count the Shabbathot, as Yahuah has instructed.
We've determined that Abib 15 is the day of the Wave Sheaf Offering. Using the YFOL's Calendar as a guide, move forward through the weeks, counting the Shabbathot as you go; until you reach Shabbat #7. Forget all of that 49 day stuff you've heard about; that was not/is not Yahuah's instruction for verse 15.
The date you will inevitably arrive at will be the 8th Day of the Third Month; or the Seventh of the Shabbathot. It does not matter what year you conduct this exercise, the date you will always arrive at will be in the 3rd Month on the the 8th Day of the Monthly Count.
That part of Yahuah's instruction is complete.
As you've seen, no where in verse 15, does Yahuah say anything about 49 days. Read it again, and decide if this is true.
Of course it is. So, where did this doctrine of forty-nine days come from?
I understand the math:
7 Days x 7 Shabbats = 49 Days; but that is not the criteria of Yahuah's instructions in verse 15.
This is not instruction for a 'daily' count; nor is it instruction for a Weekly or Monthly count.
Yahuah is giving instruction for a Shabbatical Count only. Shabbathot are multiples of Shabbats; which in this case, is seven to be complete.
Traditionally, it has been said that to determine the day of Shavu'ot, you count 49 days from the wave sheaf, and add one day, to total 50 days. Or, if you'd prefer another knee-jerk response, Google 'Pentecost.' The result you'll get will be: 'Pentecost: the festival celebrated on the 50th day after Passover.'
Mis-interpretation of Leviticus 23:16 is the rationale for this doctrine; and it is a strong deception that has been perpetrated for more than two thousand years. But is that really what Yahuah is saying?
Let's continue to Leviticus 23, verse 16:
'Even unto the morrow after the seventh Shabbat shall you number fifty days...'
A word study via Strong's Concordance, and Brown-Driver-Briggs(BDB), reveals the following clarifications:
Even (Unto): (H5704, H5705, BDB724)
1. up to 5. into
2. as far as 6. within
3. until . 7. both
4. on
the morrow: (H4283, H4279, BDB563) after the Shabbat
1. next day
2. tomorrow
3. day after
shall you number: (H5608, BDB707), fifty days;
1. count 5. include
2. declare 6. total
3. record 7. carefully observe and consider(BDB)
4. proclaim
In other words, verse 16 is saying:
1 A. Even unto the day after the seventh Shabbat...
B. Unto the next day after the seventh Shabbat...
C. Even tomorrow, after the seventh Shabbat...
2A. You shall count 50 days.
B. You shall declare 50 days.
C. You shall record 50 days.
D. You shall proclaim 50 days.
E. You shall include 50 days.
F. You shall total 50 days
G. You shall carefully observe and consider 50 days.
Is it becoming clearer? Once the scales have been removed from the eyes, Yahuah's instructions are clear to see and understand. The context of His instructions are not going to change; for He is after all, guiding us towards the true Shavu'ot. Therefore the tone of verse 16 remains Shabbathot-oriented.
Here is the formula:
7 days x 7 Shabbathot (49 days), plus 50 additional days.
It is in verse 16 where the number '50' is factored in; not verse 15. Therefore, Leviticus 23: 16 is a Shabbatical count also; with an additional fifty days.
IOW's, You count seven Shabbathot from the Wave Sheaf. That will bring you to the 49th Day; 7x7 = 49.
You then count seven more Shabbathot. that will bring you to Day #49. In 2019, the next day is New Moon Day; you do not count that day. The Day of the New Moon is always Set-Apart unto Yahuah. However, you do count the next day. That is the 50th Day. It cannot be any clearer than that.
Note: In a year where the 4th Hebrew month ends with a Full Moon on the 30th Day ( instead of the 29th Day); that day is a LCCD: a Lunar Cycle Completion Day. You do not count that day, because LCCD's are always representative of the moon; and the Moon signifies a Month. Hence, New Moon Day, or New Month Day.
Let us try another way.
Consult the YFOL's calendar for the third through fifth months, and follow along.
Leviticus 23:15.
1 Begin on the morning after the Shabbat/Wave Sheaf Offering, which is Abib 16, of the 1st Month.
2. Move forward, counting only the 7 Shabbathot.
3. Arrive at the 8th Day of the Third Month. This is the 7th Shabbat referred to in Verse 15.
Leviticus 23:16
4. We are not done yet. Count forward another seven Shabbathot. Omit the LCCD in the 3rd Month.
5. Arrive at the 29th Day of the 4th Month. This is the second 49th Day. 7 x 7 = 49; but we still are not done.
6. Omit the lunar cycle completion day(LCCD), if there is one.
7. Omit New Moon Day, which is Set-Apart unto Yahuah.
8. Now add the 50th day, and you will see that;
The correct timing for the Feast of Shavu'ot is:
the 2nd Day of the Fifth Monthly Count; the 1st Day of the Weekly Shabbatical Count.
This 'timing' is seen in a few places in scripture; and there are a few biblical events to support this:
1. The 7th Shabbathot, the 49th Day; is Set-Apart unto Yahuah, it is not included in mankind's 6 Day count.
2. Lunar Cycle Completion Days are never counted in the Weekly Shabbatical Count. They testify of the Moon; Yahuah's steadfast
Witness in the heavens. As such, they are only included in the Monthly Count; and occur only during
a 30 Day cycle.
3. Likewise neither is New Moon Day/Rosh Chodesh included in the Weekly Count. It also is Set-Apart unto Yahuah, and is not included in man's weekly count. ~Isaiah 66: 23~
4. The Wave Sheaf Offering occurs exactly 14 Shabbathot prior to Shavu'ot; on the 1st Day of the Weekly
Shabbatical Count.
5. The Feast of Unleavened Bread occurs, after the Shabbat, on the 1st Day of the Weekly Shabbatical Count.
6. The Feast of Cukkot occurs on the 1st Day of the Weekly Shabbatical count.
7. Moses entered the cloud on Mount Ciynai on the 22nd Day of the 3rd Month, on the 7th Day, a Shabbat .
He remained for 40 days and 40 nights, and came down on the 2nd Day of the 5th Month, the 1st Day of the Weekly Shabbatical Count.
Therefore, Moses came down from Mount Ciynai on the The Feast of Shavu'ot.
Remember, Yahuah sent Moses down from Mount Ciynai for a reason. The following is what happened in the camp of Yisra'el while Moses was on Mount Ciynai:
The day before, on New Moon Day, Yisra'el complained about the absence of Moses. Aharon instructed them to donate their gold jewelry so that he might fashion a 'god' for them to worship; and they did so. Aharon made a golden idol for Yisra'el to worship: ~Exodus 32: 1-4~
'And when Aharon saw it, he built an altar before it; and Aharon made proclamation and said, Tomorrow is a feast to Yahuah. And they
rose up early on the morrow, and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to eat and to drink,
and rose up to play'. ~Exodus 32:5-6~
*Please note that: Aharon was 'counting the days' according to Yahuah's Calendar. This count I incessantly speak about, did and does exist*
On the day that Yisra'el should've been worshipping Yahuah, they were eating, drinking, and playing before an idol. Yahuah sent Moses down from Mount Ciynai on the Feast of Shavu'ot. That was the feast Aharon was referring to.
Leviticus 23:15.
1 Begin on the morning after the Shabbat/Wave Sheaf Offering, which is Abib 16, of the 1st Month.
2. Move forward, counting only the 7 Shabbathot.
3. Arrive at the 8th Day of the Third Month. This is the 7th Shabbat referred to in Verse 15.
Leviticus 23:16
4. We are not done yet. Count forward another seven Shabbathot. Omit the LCCD in the 3rd Month.
5. Arrive at the 29th Day of the 4th Month. This is the second 49th Day. 7 x 7 = 49; but we still are not done.
6. Omit the lunar cycle completion day(LCCD), if there is one.
7. Omit New Moon Day, which is Set-Apart unto Yahuah.
8. Now add the 50th day, and you will see that;
The correct timing for the Feast of Shavu'ot is:
the 2nd Day of the Fifth Monthly Count; the 1st Day of the Weekly Shabbatical Count.
This 'timing' is seen in a few places in scripture; and there are a few biblical events to support this:
1. The 7th Shabbathot, the 49th Day; is Set-Apart unto Yahuah, it is not included in mankind's 6 Day count.
2. Lunar Cycle Completion Days are never counted in the Weekly Shabbatical Count. They testify of the Moon; Yahuah's steadfast
Witness in the heavens. As such, they are only included in the Monthly Count; and occur only during
a 30 Day cycle.
3. Likewise neither is New Moon Day/Rosh Chodesh included in the Weekly Count. It also is Set-Apart unto Yahuah, and is not included in man's weekly count. ~Isaiah 66: 23~
4. The Wave Sheaf Offering occurs exactly 14 Shabbathot prior to Shavu'ot; on the 1st Day of the Weekly
Shabbatical Count.
5. The Feast of Unleavened Bread occurs, after the Shabbat, on the 1st Day of the Weekly Shabbatical Count.
6. The Feast of Cukkot occurs on the 1st Day of the Weekly Shabbatical count.
7. Moses entered the cloud on Mount Ciynai on the 22nd Day of the 3rd Month, on the 7th Day, a Shabbat .
He remained for 40 days and 40 nights, and came down on the 2nd Day of the 5th Month, the 1st Day of the Weekly Shabbatical Count.
Therefore, Moses came down from Mount Ciynai on the The Feast of Shavu'ot.
Remember, Yahuah sent Moses down from Mount Ciynai for a reason. The following is what happened in the camp of Yisra'el while Moses was on Mount Ciynai:
The day before, on New Moon Day, Yisra'el complained about the absence of Moses. Aharon instructed them to donate their gold jewelry so that he might fashion a 'god' for them to worship; and they did so. Aharon made a golden idol for Yisra'el to worship: ~Exodus 32: 1-4~
'And when Aharon saw it, he built an altar before it; and Aharon made proclamation and said, Tomorrow is a feast to Yahuah. And they
rose up early on the morrow, and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to eat and to drink,
and rose up to play'. ~Exodus 32:5-6~
*Please note that: Aharon was 'counting the days' according to Yahuah's Calendar. This count I incessantly speak about, did and does exist*
On the day that Yisra'el should've been worshipping Yahuah, they were eating, drinking, and playing before an idol. Yahuah sent Moses down from Mount Ciynai on the Feast of Shavu'ot. That was the feast Aharon was referring to.
The day of Shavu'ot was different from the preceding seven Shabbathot, and New Moon Day, just the day before.
As one of the three Appointed Feasts of the year, it was to have its own special day. Unlike the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the Feast of Cukkot, Shavu'ot is not immediately preceded by a Shabbat; nor is it a multiple day feast, ending in a Shabbat. It is a special feast that stands alone, and Yahuah declared it as such.
'And you shall proclaim on the selfsame day, that it may be a Set-Apart assembly unto you: you shall do no
servile work therein: it shall be a statute forever in all your dwellings throughout your generations.
~Leviticus 23:21~
Meriam-Webster defines 'selfsame' as: identical, same, very.
i.e., The very, same, identical day.
and again:
'Three times you shall keep a feast unto me in the year. You shall guard the Feast of Matstsah: (you shall
eat matstsah seven days, as I commanded you, in the time appointed of the Aviyv' ; for in it you came out
from Egypt: and none shall appear before me empty:) And the Feast of Shavu'ot, the firstfruits of your
of your labours, which you have sown in the field: and the Feast of Cukkot, which is in the end of the year,
when you have gathered in your labours out of the field. Three times in the year all your males shall appear
before Adonai Yahuah.' ~Exodus 23:14-17~
Only after counting the days correctly, (i.e., according to Yahuah's Calendar, not the Gregorian Calendar), can you discern between the number 50, and the timing of Shavu'ot. The number 50 does not relate to the instructions given in Leviticus 23:15. It relates only to the instructions given in Verse 16.
Even still, in verse 15 and 16; Yahuah is utilizing the same formula He uses in calculating a Jubilee:
For example:
Seven cycles of Weeks of Years, with seven years each; plus one additional 'Week.'
7 x 7 = 49
+1 'week' of 12 months
50 = a Jubilee year.
Yahuah does not change.
Hopefully, now you can see that Shavu'ot is a Shabbatical Count by 7's; not by the number 50!
This revelation has been there since Yahuah spoke to Mosheh millennia ago; so how could it have been overlooked?
The answer is simple:
The whole world has been convinced of a lie perpetrated by imposters. We were blind, but now we are beginning to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.
How were we deceived?
One way that comes to mind is the assumption (or should I say 'tradition?'), that
1. Shavu'ot = Weeks = Pentecost
2. Pentecost = 50 Days
Neither assumption is supported in scripture.
According to Strong's Concordance:
Pentekoste (n). (G4005): pentecost, fiftieth day after the Pesach.
Merriam Webster's definition:
Pentekoste,(n). Gk; literally the fiftieth day.
Ditto for the Brown-Driver-Briggs (332b): which simply says: 'fifty'.
All of the above definitions are misleading for two reasons:
1. The 'numbering' of the fiftieth day is according to false calendars; namely the Greek and Judaic calendars
initially; and later on, the Gregorian Calendar, which remains in popular use to this day.
2. We've already discovered that Shavu'ot/Pentecost is not fifty days after the pesach.
After hundreds of years of indoctrination, it's clear how we may've come to associate Shavu'ot with the Third Month.
These 'pronouncements,' endorsed by certain groups of spiritual leaders, have become convenient mis-representations of the truth. Don't forget that, Aharon made a proclamation/pronouncement that led the Nation of Yisra'el into transgression. Whatever today's spiritual leaders pronounce, they are lies that by now have become widely accepted tradition.
After all;
'A lie, told often enough, becomes the truth.' ~Vladimir Lenin~
The Greek word for the numeral 5 is 'pente.' Its prefix is 'penta.' A search of Greek-Prefixed Numerical Words reveals:
1. pentagon - 5 angles of plane figures.
2. pentathlon - 5 events in an athletic competition.
3. pentarchy - 5 rulers in a government.
4. pentad - 5 angles in a group
5. pentangle - 5 angles in a shape or line.
6. pentagram - 5 pointed star.
Considering the above information, the Roman occupation, and Greek influence on learning, would it be unreasonable to consider that there was, at one time, a clear connection between the Fifth Month and the word Pentecost; a connection other than simply counting fifty days? At this point, it should behoove us to question everything we've been taught; for there is strong scriptural evidence that Shavu'ot is not in the Third month as the world has been led to believe; but was observed by the ancients at the beginning of the Fifth Month, as the prefix for Pentecost suggests.
But wait, there's more.
As one of the three Appointed Feasts of the year, it was to have its own special day. Unlike the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the Feast of Cukkot, Shavu'ot is not immediately preceded by a Shabbat; nor is it a multiple day feast, ending in a Shabbat. It is a special feast that stands alone, and Yahuah declared it as such.
'And you shall proclaim on the selfsame day, that it may be a Set-Apart assembly unto you: you shall do no
servile work therein: it shall be a statute forever in all your dwellings throughout your generations.
~Leviticus 23:21~
Meriam-Webster defines 'selfsame' as: identical, same, very.
i.e., The very, same, identical day.
and again:
'Three times you shall keep a feast unto me in the year. You shall guard the Feast of Matstsah: (you shall
eat matstsah seven days, as I commanded you, in the time appointed of the Aviyv' ; for in it you came out
from Egypt: and none shall appear before me empty:) And the Feast of Shavu'ot, the firstfruits of your
of your labours, which you have sown in the field: and the Feast of Cukkot, which is in the end of the year,
when you have gathered in your labours out of the field. Three times in the year all your males shall appear
before Adonai Yahuah.' ~Exodus 23:14-17~
Only after counting the days correctly, (i.e., according to Yahuah's Calendar, not the Gregorian Calendar), can you discern between the number 50, and the timing of Shavu'ot. The number 50 does not relate to the instructions given in Leviticus 23:15. It relates only to the instructions given in Verse 16.
Even still, in verse 15 and 16; Yahuah is utilizing the same formula He uses in calculating a Jubilee:
For example:
Seven cycles of Weeks of Years, with seven years each; plus one additional 'Week.'
7 x 7 = 49
+1 'week' of 12 months
50 = a Jubilee year.
Yahuah does not change.
Hopefully, now you can see that Shavu'ot is a Shabbatical Count by 7's; not by the number 50!
This revelation has been there since Yahuah spoke to Mosheh millennia ago; so how could it have been overlooked?
The answer is simple:
The whole world has been convinced of a lie perpetrated by imposters. We were blind, but now we are beginning to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.
How were we deceived?
One way that comes to mind is the assumption (or should I say 'tradition?'), that
1. Shavu'ot = Weeks = Pentecost
2. Pentecost = 50 Days
Neither assumption is supported in scripture.
According to Strong's Concordance:
Pentekoste (n). (G4005): pentecost, fiftieth day after the Pesach.
Merriam Webster's definition:
Pentekoste,(n). Gk; literally the fiftieth day.
Ditto for the Brown-Driver-Briggs (332b): which simply says: 'fifty'.
All of the above definitions are misleading for two reasons:
1. The 'numbering' of the fiftieth day is according to false calendars; namely the Greek and Judaic calendars
initially; and later on, the Gregorian Calendar, which remains in popular use to this day.
2. We've already discovered that Shavu'ot/Pentecost is not fifty days after the pesach.
After hundreds of years of indoctrination, it's clear how we may've come to associate Shavu'ot with the Third Month.
These 'pronouncements,' endorsed by certain groups of spiritual leaders, have become convenient mis-representations of the truth. Don't forget that, Aharon made a proclamation/pronouncement that led the Nation of Yisra'el into transgression. Whatever today's spiritual leaders pronounce, they are lies that by now have become widely accepted tradition.
After all;
'A lie, told often enough, becomes the truth.' ~Vladimir Lenin~
The Greek word for the numeral 5 is 'pente.' Its prefix is 'penta.' A search of Greek-Prefixed Numerical Words reveals:
1. pentagon - 5 angles of plane figures.
2. pentathlon - 5 events in an athletic competition.
3. pentarchy - 5 rulers in a government.
4. pentad - 5 angles in a group
5. pentangle - 5 angles in a shape or line.
6. pentagram - 5 pointed star.
Considering the above information, the Roman occupation, and Greek influence on learning, would it be unreasonable to consider that there was, at one time, a clear connection between the Fifth Month and the word Pentecost; a connection other than simply counting fifty days? At this point, it should behoove us to question everything we've been taught; for there is strong scriptural evidence that Shavu'ot is not in the Third month as the world has been led to believe; but was observed by the ancients at the beginning of the Fifth Month, as the prefix for Pentecost suggests.
But wait, there's more.
The above video takes place in Finland and demonstrates the growth cycle of wheat. The grain is ripened in the month of August between the dates of August 1, 2009 and August 29th, 2009. The month of August corresponds roughly to the 5TH month on Yahuah's Calendar; and depending on how early the Spring wheat is planted, the harvesting is well within the range of qualifying for Shavu'ot. On the other hand, June 13, 2009 roughly corresponds to the 3rd Month of Yahuah's Calendar, and highlights the misguided, miscalculated understanding of Leviticus 23:15. That is the timing the impostors have taught the world to use for the Feast Of Shavu'ot. However, in the video, the grain is barely one and a half feet above ground in June. Only when you watch the video to the end, and with unclouded eyes, can you clearly see that the wheat is precisely timed for harvest, an additional 50 days later; as Leviticus 23:16 commands. In the 5TH Month. In perfect synchronization with the correct timing of Shavu'ot. That is when the New Grain is ripe. That is the First Fruits referred to in scripture, and required by Yahuah.
3. Consider The Spring Wheat
You can see that from planting in Spring, to harvesting in early Autumn, wheat takes approximately 4 months to ripen and mature. In the video, sowing was done in May, and harvesting began in September. In Yisra'el, sowing of the Spring Wheat can begin as early as the First Month, depending on whether the field is double-cropped, or if the wheat is planted in another field. In either case, a four month growth cycle would place harvesting around the Fifth Month, or July - August, on the Gregorian Calendar.
As mentioned at the beginning of this article, there was and still remains, a second wheat harvest in Yisra'el. This second wheat harvest requires discussion because it plays a major role in the Shavu'ot Deception; and as they say:
'The devil is in the details.'
In Yisra'el, the traditional wheat harvest is planted in autumn, grows over the winter season; ripens, and is ready for harvesting the following spring, around the time of the Pesach. This crop is known as the Winter Wheat, or 'old grain,' because it took root prior to the Pesach. Little known to non-farmers, and those outside of Yisra'el, is that there is a second wheat planting. This second planting takes place in the early springtime, grows over the late spring/summer season; ripens, and is ready for harvesting in four or five months, in the late summer or early fall. This crop is known as the Spring Wheat, or 'new grain,' because it took root after the Pesach. It is this harvest, the spring wheat, that ripens and is harvested fifty days after the Seventh Shabbathot mentioned in Leviticus 23:15. That puts the spring wheat right on schedule to meet the criteria spoken of in Leviticus 23:16; where once freshly harvested, it would certainly qualify as 'new grain'; and would be appropriate to bring before Yahuah as a meat/grain (Strong's H4503, H4504) offering.
Unfortunately, that is not what the imposters teach.
According to their doctrine, there are two criteria for the grain of either the Winter Wheat or the Spring Wheat harvest; the grain is either 'Yoshon,' or it's 'Chodosh'. Yoshon is grain that has been deemed acceptable to eat; while grain that is Chodosh, is forbidden to be eaten. There are four species of grain that fall under the Chodosh category; they are:
wheat, barley, spelt, oats, and rye.
Here is where it gets tricky.
Their leaders teach that Winter wheat is 'new' grain because it was planted in the fall of the previous year, and took root before or through the Pesach, thus making it 'Yoshon'. They advocate a Third Month/'50 Days-after-the-Pesach,' Shavu'ot to coincide with, and compliment this 'new,' Yoshon grain. At the same time, they forbid the eating of any grain which takes root after the 16th Day of Abib; or after the Wave Sheaf Offering - thus rendering the entire crop of Spring Wheat that which was planted in the spring), the true New Grain, 'Chodosh,' or forbidden to eat. To enforce this doctrine, they've decreed in their book of laws, that all newly harvested grain ruled 'Chodosh', is held until the Pesach the following year; specifically until it can be presented before Yahuah as a Wave Sheaf Offering.
Understand what they have done.
1. The grain they are referring to as 'new/Yoshon' grain, is really Old Grain like that described in Joshua 5:11.
2. The true New Grain that came from the Spring Wheat, is then declared Chodosh/forbidden; and put aside until the Wave Sheaf the following
year, when it will then be 'old grain,' and unfit to offer before Yahuah as a Wave Sheaf offering.
3. They have made the grain offering of the new Spring Wheat at the Fall Harvest invalid, and have essentially done a 180 degree reversal on what Yahuah decreed. We are instructed in Leviticus 23:14 to bring new sheaves to wave before Yahuah; the first fruits of the land, not old sheaves of grain from
the year before. 'Parched' grain is old grain.
3. They made the date of Shavu'ot to 'fit' their doctrine of 'Yoshon' grain. They changed the timing of the counting of the Omer.
Their entire doctrine is anti- scripture, and therefore, is anti-Yahuah. Everything they do is over-board, too much, and too set in 'tradition.' The imposters
set more value on the opinions in their books of law, established by their spiritual leaders, than they do of the Word of Yahuah. They've done
this because they have no understanding.
Which brings us to the last part of Leviticus 23: 16:
'And you shall offer a new meat (grain H4503, H4504) offering unto Yahuah.' (emphasis mine).
The spring wheat is perfectly timed to coincide with Shavu'ot in the Fifth Month, when the wheat is 'new,' not in the Third Month when it is old and left-over from the previous year. The fifth month grain is the grain Yahuah instructed to be brought before Him, yet the imposters deceitfully withhold it until the next year; and then present that which is unacceptable, to Yahuah. Then they have the temerity to do it on a false feast day, and teach others to do so also.
Yahuah has clearly given His opinion on those who copy the ways of the imposter, and as a result, are led into transgression and error. He has said:
'I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies. Though you offer me burnt offerings, I will not accept them:
neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts. Take away from me the noise of your songs; for I will not hear the melody of your viols.'
~Amos 5: 21-23~
Yahuah wants nothing to do with the willfully disobedient, the profane, the double-minded, the fence-sitters, the Grays. Yes, the whole world has been blinded; the whole world follows after the Beast; however time for excuses as to why we continue to do so, is quickly running out. We are given instructions how we are to deal with the spiritual situation we now find ourselves in:
'Come Out From Among Them, and Be Ye Separate.' ~2Corinthians 6:1
'Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways.' ~Proverbs 3:31~
There are only 3 Feasts: the Feast of Unleavened Bread in the 1st Month, the Feast of Cukkot in the 7th Month, and the Feast of Shavu'ot in the 5th Month. My understanding of the latter is solely of the Ruach HaQodesh, as I previously had no motivation to discover, desire to know, or inkling that there was ever anything other than what the imposters have led the world to believe.
We have become aware of the two harvests, and the scriptural evidence for the correct timing of the Wave Sheaf Offering, and Shavu'ot. Hopefully, we understand that Yahuah commanded a new grain offering, not an old grain offering. We should strive to learn how to Count The days, as in Psalm 90:12; according to Yahuah's Heavenly Calendar, not the Gregorian Calendar. One precept builds upon another, and it is imperative we understand that following after the traditions of men, specifically the teachings of the imposters, will always lead down a convoluted path that is counter to the will of Yahuah.
The imposters have never taught, nor have they ever had, this understanding.
We are awakening to the truth at the most opportune moment for us to be mindful of the dangers of deception. Yahuah has placed signs, guidelines, and instructions in His Torah, and throughout His Word. They are there for anyone willing to step out of the comfort zone of tradition, and in to the Light of the Truth.
Lastly, it is necessary that we understand the significance the feasts have on our relationship with Yahuah, and the timing of the Second Coming of Yahushua, HaMashiach. The Feast of Shavu'ot should be Set-Apart and Honored as the day Yahuah gave mankind His Torah. On this day, we can surely study the story of Yisra'el entering The Promised Land. We can ponder the significance in our hearts; and we can offer up prayers of thanksgiving for what Yahuah has given us.
This much we can do.
May Yahuah Bless The Hearers And Doers Of his Word.
~NeorahYah Germaine Yisra'el~
Go to: Yom Teruah
You can see that from planting in Spring, to harvesting in early Autumn, wheat takes approximately 4 months to ripen and mature. In the video, sowing was done in May, and harvesting began in September. In Yisra'el, sowing of the Spring Wheat can begin as early as the First Month, depending on whether the field is double-cropped, or if the wheat is planted in another field. In either case, a four month growth cycle would place harvesting around the Fifth Month, or July - August, on the Gregorian Calendar.
As mentioned at the beginning of this article, there was and still remains, a second wheat harvest in Yisra'el. This second wheat harvest requires discussion because it plays a major role in the Shavu'ot Deception; and as they say:
'The devil is in the details.'
In Yisra'el, the traditional wheat harvest is planted in autumn, grows over the winter season; ripens, and is ready for harvesting the following spring, around the time of the Pesach. This crop is known as the Winter Wheat, or 'old grain,' because it took root prior to the Pesach. Little known to non-farmers, and those outside of Yisra'el, is that there is a second wheat planting. This second planting takes place in the early springtime, grows over the late spring/summer season; ripens, and is ready for harvesting in four or five months, in the late summer or early fall. This crop is known as the Spring Wheat, or 'new grain,' because it took root after the Pesach. It is this harvest, the spring wheat, that ripens and is harvested fifty days after the Seventh Shabbathot mentioned in Leviticus 23:15. That puts the spring wheat right on schedule to meet the criteria spoken of in Leviticus 23:16; where once freshly harvested, it would certainly qualify as 'new grain'; and would be appropriate to bring before Yahuah as a meat/grain (Strong's H4503, H4504) offering.
Unfortunately, that is not what the imposters teach.
According to their doctrine, there are two criteria for the grain of either the Winter Wheat or the Spring Wheat harvest; the grain is either 'Yoshon,' or it's 'Chodosh'. Yoshon is grain that has been deemed acceptable to eat; while grain that is Chodosh, is forbidden to be eaten. There are four species of grain that fall under the Chodosh category; they are:
wheat, barley, spelt, oats, and rye.
Here is where it gets tricky.
Their leaders teach that Winter wheat is 'new' grain because it was planted in the fall of the previous year, and took root before or through the Pesach, thus making it 'Yoshon'. They advocate a Third Month/'50 Days-after-the-Pesach,' Shavu'ot to coincide with, and compliment this 'new,' Yoshon grain. At the same time, they forbid the eating of any grain which takes root after the 16th Day of Abib; or after the Wave Sheaf Offering - thus rendering the entire crop of Spring Wheat that which was planted in the spring), the true New Grain, 'Chodosh,' or forbidden to eat. To enforce this doctrine, they've decreed in their book of laws, that all newly harvested grain ruled 'Chodosh', is held until the Pesach the following year; specifically until it can be presented before Yahuah as a Wave Sheaf Offering.
Understand what they have done.
1. The grain they are referring to as 'new/Yoshon' grain, is really Old Grain like that described in Joshua 5:11.
2. The true New Grain that came from the Spring Wheat, is then declared Chodosh/forbidden; and put aside until the Wave Sheaf the following
year, when it will then be 'old grain,' and unfit to offer before Yahuah as a Wave Sheaf offering.
3. They have made the grain offering of the new Spring Wheat at the Fall Harvest invalid, and have essentially done a 180 degree reversal on what Yahuah decreed. We are instructed in Leviticus 23:14 to bring new sheaves to wave before Yahuah; the first fruits of the land, not old sheaves of grain from
the year before. 'Parched' grain is old grain.
3. They made the date of Shavu'ot to 'fit' their doctrine of 'Yoshon' grain. They changed the timing of the counting of the Omer.
Their entire doctrine is anti- scripture, and therefore, is anti-Yahuah. Everything they do is over-board, too much, and too set in 'tradition.' The imposters
set more value on the opinions in their books of law, established by their spiritual leaders, than they do of the Word of Yahuah. They've done
this because they have no understanding.
Which brings us to the last part of Leviticus 23: 16:
'And you shall offer a new meat (grain H4503, H4504) offering unto Yahuah.' (emphasis mine).
The spring wheat is perfectly timed to coincide with Shavu'ot in the Fifth Month, when the wheat is 'new,' not in the Third Month when it is old and left-over from the previous year. The fifth month grain is the grain Yahuah instructed to be brought before Him, yet the imposters deceitfully withhold it until the next year; and then present that which is unacceptable, to Yahuah. Then they have the temerity to do it on a false feast day, and teach others to do so also.
Yahuah has clearly given His opinion on those who copy the ways of the imposter, and as a result, are led into transgression and error. He has said:
'I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies. Though you offer me burnt offerings, I will not accept them:
neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts. Take away from me the noise of your songs; for I will not hear the melody of your viols.'
~Amos 5: 21-23~
Yahuah wants nothing to do with the willfully disobedient, the profane, the double-minded, the fence-sitters, the Grays. Yes, the whole world has been blinded; the whole world follows after the Beast; however time for excuses as to why we continue to do so, is quickly running out. We are given instructions how we are to deal with the spiritual situation we now find ourselves in:
'Come Out From Among Them, and Be Ye Separate.' ~2Corinthians 6:1
'Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways.' ~Proverbs 3:31~
There are only 3 Feasts: the Feast of Unleavened Bread in the 1st Month, the Feast of Cukkot in the 7th Month, and the Feast of Shavu'ot in the 5th Month. My understanding of the latter is solely of the Ruach HaQodesh, as I previously had no motivation to discover, desire to know, or inkling that there was ever anything other than what the imposters have led the world to believe.
We have become aware of the two harvests, and the scriptural evidence for the correct timing of the Wave Sheaf Offering, and Shavu'ot. Hopefully, we understand that Yahuah commanded a new grain offering, not an old grain offering. We should strive to learn how to Count The days, as in Psalm 90:12; according to Yahuah's Heavenly Calendar, not the Gregorian Calendar. One precept builds upon another, and it is imperative we understand that following after the traditions of men, specifically the teachings of the imposters, will always lead down a convoluted path that is counter to the will of Yahuah.
The imposters have never taught, nor have they ever had, this understanding.
We are awakening to the truth at the most opportune moment for us to be mindful of the dangers of deception. Yahuah has placed signs, guidelines, and instructions in His Torah, and throughout His Word. They are there for anyone willing to step out of the comfort zone of tradition, and in to the Light of the Truth.
Lastly, it is necessary that we understand the significance the feasts have on our relationship with Yahuah, and the timing of the Second Coming of Yahushua, HaMashiach. The Feast of Shavu'ot should be Set-Apart and Honored as the day Yahuah gave mankind His Torah. On this day, we can surely study the story of Yisra'el entering The Promised Land. We can ponder the significance in our hearts; and we can offer up prayers of thanksgiving for what Yahuah has given us.
This much we can do.
May Yahuah Bless The Hearers And Doers Of his Word.
~NeorahYah Germaine Yisra'el~
Go to: Yom Teruah