The Seven Forms Of Praise To Yahuah:
1. Zamar: To praise Yahuah with instruments. ~Psalms 108:1~
2. Barak: To kneel, to bow down in worship, to prostrate oneself; to fall down before Yahuah. ~Psalms 72:15~
3. Yadah: A thankful expression of praise with your hands. ~Psalms 67:5~
4. Towdah: A procession of worshippers, a congregation offering praise and thanksgiving
for what Yahuah is about to do. ~Psalm 100: 1-5~
5. Shabak: To command, to shout with triumph to Yahuah. ~Psalm 63:3~
6. Hallal: To shine, to boast and celebrate; be clamorously foolish before
Yahuah. ~Psalm 35:18~ Also, the story of King Dawid dancing before the Ark of the Covenant.
7. Tehillah: To sing a spontaneous song of the heart to Yahuah. ~Psalms 1 through 150~
With the above guidelines in mind, submissions for clean, Yahuah praising, Yisra'el uplifting music are welcomed.
Send as Mp3 or Mp4 format, to [email protected] or notify me of recent SoundCloud upload, etc., and I will snag and preview.
Most recent uploads appear at the top.
All types of music are welcomed (as U can C): Classical, Spoken Word/Poetry Readings, Instrumentals/Original compositions, Country, World Beat, Children's Music, Hip-Hop, whatever you do. Put a smile on our Father's face.
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