Shabbat Shalom Yisra'el; Yahuah's Blessings on you and your household! It has been a while since I updated my blog. I've been a little busy lately. As some of you may know, I've written a novel in the secular world; a work of fiction about foster care in Philadelphia. I'm currently undergoing the submission process, which can be quite involved and time-consuming. The entire procedure is rife with rejections, but as a writer who desires to be traditionally published one day, I endure in the process. Still, I do not allow Yahuah's work to suffer. This website is my gift to Him, as it was through His Ruach, that He revealed His Time Clock to me. Same as most other Hebrews, I was a Saturday Sabbatarian. I didn't have a clue there was any other way to keep time, other than by the Gregorian calendar. I was initially hesitant when I came into this truth, because it involved numbers - a thing I've never had a head for. I've suffered from Dyscalculia my entire life. Dyscalculia is the mathematical equivalent of Dyslexia. There's a diagnosis for it now, but back when I was in school, there wasn't. Needless to say, my educational 'experiences' were difficult. In spite of my 'handicap', I have persisted in the the study of learning to 'Count The Days', and boy am I ever glad I did! Yahuah has made it clear for me to understand via His Ruach HaQodesh. Note, that I did not say that He made it 'easy' for me. I had to do my part, by showing a desire to learn, and he has revealed much to me. All I can say is 'HalleluYah!' Please know that every calendar is thoroughly researched, calculated, cross-referenced, and double checked to ensure I have not transposed/reversed numbers- or omitted a number altogether! I'm a little OCD about that- I have to be. Still, If you come across anything that doesn't 'add-up' please bring it to my attention immediately. That is not Yahuah, or His Time Clock; that is me, and the wonky way I see numbers. As I previously stated, I do not allow Yahuah's work to suffer in any way. I am dedicated to bringing His Time Clock to His Chosen, and to others as well; all those who are meant to receive it. There are a couple of articles that still remain to be added, e.g., NOAH AND THE FLOOD, and THE LAST WEEK; and a few things I would like to study before including them to the website. I do not speak on anything that it has not been given me to speak on, or have not received wisdom and understanding concerning. Also, I do not assume I am the only one with this truth. Au contraire, I assume there may be 7000 who have not bent the knee to Ba'al. If you are one of these, I welcome your understanding on Yahuah's Heavenly Calendar as an opportunity to learn of something Yahuah has not given to me. Please feel free to submit your article, essay, video, vlog, etc., and remember to include your citations, in order to prevent plagiarism. After research, and quite possibly a one-to-one, it will be included on this website for everyone Yahuah sends, to receive. My blessings on you all, NeorahYah
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March 2020