Shalom Yisra'el; As some of you may already know, I am a registered nurse specializing in Neonatology. I work in a Philadelphia intensive care nursery, caring for premature babies mostly; but on occasion, full term babies with medical issues. I recently received another blessing from Yahuah, in that I just completed a 4 Day training course to become a Certified Educator of Infant Massage (CEIM). What's that, you say? Well a CEIM is nationally licensed to educate parents, and infant care givers, to give therapeutic massage to their babies. The emphasis is on therapeutic touch, a warm nurturing environment, and more importantly, recognizing the cues, and communication signals a baby gives it's parents. It is most beneficial to parents who desire to establish a close bond with their newborn baby. Massage through touch has been proven to be effective in establishing enduring attachments between infant and parent that will endure throughout the child's lifetime. Therapeutic touch, or massage has wonderful effects on babies who suffer from colic, constipation, or may have been born prematurely and can easily become over-stimulated. Infant massage has been shown to soothe babies exposed to substances/drugs in-utero; and of course it is magnificent for quiet time between mother (and father!), and baby. I am particularly excited because one of the Gifts Of The Ruach that I pray for, is the Gift of Healing; and one of the methods of Healing, is through touch. Yahoshua, and His Taught Ones frequently used touch to heal. Consider the following scriptures: 1. Matthew 9:18 2. Mark 5:23, 6:5, 7:32, and 8: 22-25 3. Luke 13: 11-13 4. Acts 9: 12 & 17, 14:3, 19:11, and 28:8-9 The 'Laying-On Of Hands,' goes hand-in-hand with the 'Anointing Of Oil'; both of which is a fundamental element of massage. As one of the Gifts of the Ruach HaQodesh, both elements of touch should always be accompanied by prayer. I hope to be a blessing to the little ones of our nation. Anyone in the Philadelphia, PA area who would be interested in learning Infant Massage, and is willing to commit to a 1 Day /week course over 5 weeks (a total of 5 classes). please contact me at [email protected] Again; Yahuah Bless You, and Your little ones.
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March 2020