That comes into the congregation still full of the privilege they're used to getting in the world. The ones that might come in feeling entitled, expecting to be put on a pedestal by all the hebrews around them; trying to become deacons, bishops, and elders over the hebrews. Trying to become teachers, and lords over them. It doesn't work like that. Some of these camps have the Gentiles among them teaching scriptures - to the Israelites. The Gentiles are to follow, and serve YOU, not the other way around. If they are offended to serve the children of Israel, but are happy to be served by them; then the spirit is not in them
Beware of the gentile that has a fetish for dark meat (if u catch my drift), slipping in like a serpent among the assembly. They will move among you searching for a sister to lay with, coming with that 'Shalom Sister, yeah I know the true Hebrews are black. I know the Messiah is black. I know the truth.' They pretend to be 'grafted in' just so he can take what's precious from you - and then slide. There's also scheming foreign women that will try to woo Hebrew men. You didn't know that the feminist movement was their move to separate you from your black woman? By having her join the movement, so they could move in on you? After teaching naive sisters they don't need their men? I'm not saying all Gentiles are like that, but there are some out there, and you'd better be on point! Beware of the Gentile that wants to include everybody, in an attempt to step into the shoes of an Israelite. They will claim it doesn't matter who Israel is; that they are spiritual Israelites. That's not of scripture. Salvation is of the Hebrews! For the gentile to receive salvation, it must come through the Israelites. There is no equality. There is no Gentile equal or above you. This is not Javon TruthSeeker Williams speaking; that is scripture speaking. Yisra'el, you are the peculiar people YAH chose to be ABOVE ALL PEOPLE. ~JW~
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10/30/2022 05:05:52
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